
6 Tricks to Get Rid of Underarm Smell On Shirts

White vinegar is a great tool to use to get rid of the underarm smell in your shirts. Baking soda is another kitchen staple to use.
Tips to get rid of underarm smell and stains on shirts

If only we lived in a world where sweat stains and smelly underarms weren’t a source of embarrassment. But we don’t. And so, for many, those stains and smells are a big sore spot. While deodorant can temporarily help with the smell, for some, it just isn’t enough and still leaves shirts with sweat stains and smells that just won’t wash out. 

If this sounds like you or someone you know, we are here to put an end to your shame and embarrassment about your underarm situation. Here are six tricks and tips you need to know to get rid of the armpit smell out of your shirts.

FAQs About Underarm Smell

Before we dive in, here are three questions that we thought would be beneficial. Read on to learn about what causes the stains and how to remove them, and at the end, we’ll offer some insight into our questions and what you need to know.

  1. What are some long-term strategies to prevent armpit smells from becoming embedded in shirts in the first place?
  2. Are there any fabric types or materials that are more prone to retaining armpit smells, and should they be treated differently?
  3. How can one determine if the smell or stain is permanent, and when is it time to replace a shirt instead of continuing treatments?

How to Remove Underarm Stains and Smells from Shirts

Before discussing the smells, let’s first start with the stains. 

Where the Stains Come From

Deodorant stains on the underarm of a shirt

Oftentimes, the stains you see in the armpit of your shirts are thanks to the antiperspirant deodorant you’re using. The key ingredient in antiperspirants is aluminum, which helps reduce the level of sweat and wetness in your armpits. That may mean you get to run around with dry armpits, even on a hot day, but that also means that you pay the price of a buildup and yellowing of the product on your clothes.

You may not notice these stains at first, especially if you’ve been wearing new shirts lately, but over time, the stains will start to show, and your attempts to remove them will go unnoticed. 

So, it may be a good idea to switch to a deodorant that is free of aluminum and won’t cause the buildup of product on your shirts that gives you trouble. Whether you opt to switch to a more natural deodorant or not, it’s always a good idea to let the deodorant dry before you put your clothes on. 

How to Remove the Stains and the Smell

If you find that your shirts still smell after you switch to aluminum-free deodorant or if you decide not to switch, don’t worry. There are some tricks you can use to get rid of that stubborn smell. 

1. Baking soda

Mixture of baking soda and water to remove stains

This kitchen staple comes in handy in countless different situations, and now you have one more to add to your list. Baking soda neutralizes the smells that can get stuck in your shirt’s armpits. All you have to do is make a paste of baking soda and warm water and rub it into your shirt’s underarms. Let the paste sit for 15 minutes, or even better yet, overnight. Then, wash it normally. 

2. Baking soda & hydrogen peroxide

You can take the baking soda concept to the next level if it doesn’t work on its own by adding hydrogen peroxide to it. You put one part baking soda and one part hydrogen peroxide and mix them up to make a paste similar to the one with water. Then, rub the mixture onto the stained area and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before washing it with a heavy-duty laundry detergent. 

3. White vinegar

Shirts with deodorant stains - How to get stains out of shirts

The smell of this one will wake you right up, but it’s a much better smell than what currently sits on the underarm of your shirt. To use this, you want to first fill your washing machine or a large bucket with water and then add ⅓ cup of white vinegar. Let the shirts soak in this for 20 minutes, and then continue the washing cycle as usual. 

4. Oxygen-based bleach & ammonia (for white shirts only)

White shirts can look so fresh and clean until you lift your arms and see the stains underneath the arms. We have a fix for that, but make sure you only use this solution on white shirts, as it will bleach anything with color. 

You also want to be careful when working with this mixture, as the chemicals and scents are dangerous. Be sure to work in a well-ventilated room and wear rubber gloves. 

For this, mix one-part oxygen-based bleach (OxiClean or something similar) and one-part household ammonia in a non-metal bowl. Then, use an old toothbrush to rub that mixture into the stains on your white shirts and let it soak for about 10 minutes before washing as usual. 

5. Mouthwash

This one sounds weird, but don’t knock it until you try it. All you have to do is pour several capfuls of mouthwash on the underarms of your shirts and let it soak in for 30 minutes. Then, throw them in the machine and wash them as usual. 

This method may be best left to colored shirts, as the mouthwash could alter the color of white clothes. 

6. Aspirin & Cream of Tartar

Woman with smelly underarms, how to get sweat smell out of shirts

This one sounds like something right out of your grandmother’s guide to life, but it’s a tried and true way to get that armpit smell out. You want to mix 3 non-coated aspirin tablets with a cup of warm water and 1 tablespoon of cream of tartar. Use an old toothbrush to scrub the mixture into the armpit and let it soak for at least 20 minutes before washing as usual. 

Answering the FAQs

After reading the article, you might feel like you have all the knowledge you need to avoid and remove stains. However, this piece of information will round out your knowledge just a bit.

1. What are some long-term strategies to prevent armpit smells from becoming embedded in shirts in the first place?

To prevent armpit smells from becoming embedded in shirts in the first place, regular maintenance and care are key. Wash your shirts as soon as possible after wearing them, especially if you’ve been sweating. This prevents the bacteria that cause odor from settling in. Additionally, using an antibacterial detergent or a pre-soak treatment with white vinegar or baking soda before washing can help keep smells at bay. It’s also a good idea to rotate your shirts regularly to give them a break between wears, reducing odor buildup.

2. Are there any fabric types or materials that are more prone to retaining armpit smells, and should they be treated differently?

Certain fabrics are more prone to retaining armpit smells than others. For instance, synthetic fabrics like polyester tend to trap odors more than natural fibers like cotton. This is because synthetic fabrics don’t breathe as well, which means sweat and bacteria can get trapped more easily. If you find some fabrics consistently holding onto odors despite regular washing, you might need to treat them with stronger odor removers or consider switching to more breathable, natural fabrics.

3. How can one determine if the smell or stain is permanent, and when is it time to replace a shirt instead of continuing treatments?

To determine if a smell or stain is permanent, you’ll need to assess both the fabric and the extent of the damage. If a shirt continues to smell even after multiple washes and treatments, and if the fabric has visible discoloration, it may be time to replace it. However, persistent odor doesn’t always mean permanent damage. In some cases, you can try more intensive treatments like enzyme-based cleaners or professional cleaning services before deciding to part with the shirt. Ultimately, if it no longer feels clean or fresh, replacing it might be the best option for maintaining your confidence and hygiene.

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