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This past July, I made a trip to Dallas to catch up with my college roommates. It had been a few years, and it was time to reconnect and have some fun. I’m the kind of person that uses opportunities like that as a big motivator to do a little self-improvement. I started watching what I ate so I could fit into my favorite clothes and worked out a little to try to get in better shape. That way, if we go sightseeing or hit the town, I’m not holding anybody back because I can’t keep up.
I also take on some additional self-care and maintenance. Some might even call it pampering, and I’m not opposed to that (I can be a treat-yo’self kind of gal on occasion). With that, I scheduled a manicure and pedicure (I had to show off some cute new sandals I’d gotten) and scheduled a hair appointment. By the time I was due to hop on the plane, I was all sparkly and shiny and ready to go. I felt really good about everything, but to be honest, my hair wasn’t where I wanted it to be, but it was too late to do anything to fix it.
Friendly Advice

My main college roommate and best friend since we were little girls, Becky, has always caused me a decent amount of hair envy. I’ve never been quiet about the fact that I have fine, thin hair and that I’m frequently looking for ways to bolster it. She, on the other hand, has ridiculously thick full hair that she can style in an instant with ease. All of the hairstyles we’ve had over the years look better on her; it’s just a fact of life that I’ve had to accept.
I was slightly disappointed that my hair wasn’t as fabulous as I’d hoped when I sat in the beautician’s chair before leaving. Somehow the gorgeous hair I had when I left the salon didn’t last as long as I would have liked. My hair looked dull and lifeless, and there she stood with radiant hair. I mentioned that I’d had my hair done before I left and commented that she must have as well, and I was shocked to find out that she hadn’t actually been to the salon in months. She said she could make it work because of some new hair products that she’d started using and that the change was not only giving her great hair but saving her time as well. What was her secret, you ask? Well, it was more of a story… a Hairstory.
The Products
The premise of Hairstory is that they have visions of a shampoo-free future. That sounded a bit, well, dirty to me, but I was inclined to listen. Becky showed me her bottle of New Wash and explained how it works, why her hair looks fabulous, and why it saves her time. To start, she no longer uses conditioner because it’s not needed. Unlike regular shampoos, New Wash doesn’t strip your hair of the good oils that keep it looking healthy and moisturized (causing conditioner to be unnecessary). Instead, it’s formulated to restore the natural balance of your hair, and because of that, she found that her hair was way less greasy and she could skip washing her hair every day.

I was concerned it might not work as well on my hair because the texture is so different, but after doing some research, I found that New Wash is perfect for all hair types – and the reviews from a wide variety of users gave high praise for how well the product works.
Protect and Style
After discussing Hairstory and how effective it was for her, I decided to hop in the shower and try it out for myself. It was amazing. New Wash felt more like a conditioner than a shampoo, and there wasn’t the familiar lather, but it left my hair feeling light and healthy. After towel-drying my hair, Becky recommended I try out her Dressed Up Heat Protection Lotion – which would not only protect my hair from the heat of the blow dryer but would also help hold my style.

I was really torn because I had my favorite hair foam that I’ve used loyally for many years and have come to trust. I took the plunge and tried out the Hairstory Dressed Up and was pleased that I did. It was so lightweight that my hair didn’t feel (or look) weighed down. Even better? The beach waves that I took the time to style looked amazing. And not just for a few minutes in the bathroom – they kept their shape throughout the evening. Becky also had a texturizing spray that I could have used, but I wanted to see how well the Dressed Up product worked alone. She said the spray is her go-to when she needs her style to hold, and from how amazing her hair looked, even at the end of the night, it works.
The ‘Story’ doesn’t end there.

When I returned home, I hopped on the Hairstory website to purchase some items. I was pleased to see that New Wash is great for all hair types, including dyed hair, and because of the lack of harsh detergents, washing won’t cause my color to fade, thus requiring fewer salon visits. I’ve been using the product for a couple of months, and it seems like my hair gets better and healthier every day, and that’s without washing it as often! I also like that Hairstory products are better for the environment, made from sustainable ingredients that are non-toxic and biodegradable, and even the packaging was designed with refillable packaging. Hairstory allows me to feel good while looking my best, and for me, that’s a product worth using.