
Single and Looking? Envision, Imagine, Believe

Are you single and looking? Our three-step process can help you attain the goal of finding love and help you decide what you're looking for.
thoughtful woman, woman in love, pensive

Finding love as you get older often involves embracing personal growth and clarity about your desires. With life experience, you know yourself better, making it easier to identify compatible partners. Expanding your social circle through hobbies, volunteering, or online platforms can introduce you to new people. Be open to new experiences and patient with the process, as love may develop unexpectedly.

Communication and emotional maturity are essential for building meaningful connections. Letting go of past hurts and staying optimistic helps, allowing you to embrace love with a fresh perspective and deeper understanding of what you truly need in a partner.

We’ve all given thought to or discussed what we want in our lives regarding love. What are we looking for, and what would make us happy? If you are a gal who truly wants to get married, then it’s time you recognize that you have to set a date by which you will reach your goal, and it should not be longer than a year. Here are some ways to drive that dream to realization.

Envision, Imagine, Believe

looking for love

Did you set your date?  If not, ask yourself, Why not?  Did people discourage you, or did you allow fear and uncertainty to enter your thought process? Mark Twain said, “You can’t depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus.” I add that you can’t depend on your family and friends for help if your self-belief and your imagination are out of focus.

If you want to get happily married, you need to believe in your ability to control what you want. We all know that anyone can get married if and when she or he wants.  There is always someone looking for a mate. But simply getting married is not what we are interested in here.  The single women of PRiME Women Magazine who want to get married are seeking a happy marriage. This takes work. This takes a plan. This takes a belief in the ability to love and be loved. We possess all of the inner strength, talent, feelings, passion, and ability to control what we set out to do.

Because we have the ability to envision what we want, to set a goal, and to follow up with an action Plan, we can and will meet and marry our “happiness” mate. You’ve set goals in business, even in your personal financial life, and have reached them. Why? Because you believed in them and did the hard work to achieve them.

Finding personal happiness is no different. Be clear on what you want, believe in your ability to get it, and trust the universe to supply it, and you will be married happily within a year.

Couple in love

Believing in yourself and your goal means that you cast out on a daily basis every fear and uncertainty that tries to interfere with your desire to achieve your goal. Your friends will try to instill doubt in you because they do not understand the power of goal-setting and its ability to influence us. Your family may present obstacles that let doubt or fear creep into your life. When these deterrents arise, say to yourself, “This is my goal, this is my life, and I have the power to follow my action Plan.” Envision, Imagine, Believe is the cocoon in which you must wrap your Plan. Now, let’s get on with your Plan.

Make a Profile of the Kind of Man You Want to Marry

woman making a list

What kind of person is the right person for you? What are your expectations? Let’s review what might make sense to you.

  1. What’s the age range? How young or old can he be? Write down a range that might be acceptable to you, and then examine why you selected this range. When I set my Plan at age 35, I set the range between 30 and 45. If you are about 60 years of age, is 50 to 70 acceptable to you? If not, why not? What would you set?
  2. Physical characteristics produce the first chemical attraction. What physical characteristics are important to you? Height, weight, race, ethnicity?
  3. Financial stability is a core value for most of us and is the most frequent issue that couples argue about. So, what are your expectations? Certainly, it would be a grand find if a multi-multimillionaire were to fall in love with you, but let’s be reasonable. Is it acceptable for your “happiness” mate to be financially stable with little debt? If you are still working in your fifties, does he have a job? Are you willing to be the provider?
  4. What values do you hold that are important for your mate to share? Think of integrity, truthfulness, openness, children, and the capacity to love you and yours.

The four areas you’ll examine, age, physical characteristics, finances, and values, are very basic to begin your search after you set your date. So, for the next couple of weeks, draw up the profile of what you want. For more help with your plan, pick up a copy of “The Marriage Plan.”

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