
Pet Care: Nixall Pro VetResponse Skin & Coat Grooming Solution

I’d like to invite you into my house. It’s a place that’s absolutely teeming with life. Plants crowd my windows and sliding doors. Succulents, sweet peas, and a small sassafras tree compete with calamint and chamomile for the bright morning sunlight that floods my kitchen. Aquatic ferns dance lazily with bubbles in Snapper’s turtle tank. At thirty-one, Snapper is the oldest animal in our crew. She’s a red-eared slider with a sassy beak and a strawberry obsession. There are quite a few frisky felines here, too—tearing around corners, leaping off balconies, and ripping leaves from my poor parlor palm. In fact, here at my house you’re four times more likely to run into one of the non-human members of our family. So, pet care is paramount.

Nixall Pro VetResponse
Snapper checks out her garden.

You probably won’t be surprised to discover that the health and well-being of these animals is my first priority. And I’m confident that if you’re reading this article, you love your animals just as much as I love mine. Which is why I’d like to recommend a new product for skin and coat care by Nixall Pro VetResponse. After just a few weeks, this Skin & Coat Grooming Solution has become my go-to for cleaning, hydrating, and deodorizing my frisky felines. Now, let me tell you why you should try this product, too.

Healthy Coats, Healthy Cats & Dogs

The vets at my local clinic lovingly refer to my cadre of cats as an aging population. This population is bookended by my oldest, Tulah, at seventeen and my youngest, Flufficus, at nine. We spend a lot of time at the vet for bi-annual check-ups, teeth cleaning, medication maintenance, and grooming. They all get the rather adorable lion cut. You see, as pets age, their flexibility is impacted. For most of my cats, this is the result of arthritis. And it means I have to take responsibility for keeping my cats well-groomed as part of my pet care routine. It’s an important responsibility for an animal’s overall health at every age.

Nixall Pro VetResponse
Animal grooming habits can require some pretty advanced yoga poses.

The ASPCA underlines the necessity of grooming your pet’s skin & coat. Under-cared for coats often result in loose fur and oil matting together. Frequently, these mats hide poor skin conditions such as dander blockages, cysts, bacterial infections, and even ear infections ( Clearly a brush and some safety scissors are needed! But these tools only handle removing matted fur. Normally, as your pet combs and cleans their coat with their teeth and tongue, they’re also removing excess oils. So, you’re going to need something more than that brush to keep your pet clean.

So Fresh, So Clean, So Safe!

I imagine that you’re like me when it comes to keeping a clean house. I take it really seriously. The products I purchase are organic, sustainable, and cruelty-free. And because even organic cleaning products can contain ingredients that are toxic to cats, I check every label. Sometimes there isn’t a perfect product. For example, I use an eco-friendly floor cleaner that has grapefruit and peppermint in it. Both of these plant essences are toxic to cats. So, after scrubbing and mopping with this otherwise awesome cleaner, I steam my floors with hot water.

Nixall Pro VetResponse
Pets might not lick the floor, but they definitely lick their paws. Best be safe.

I know my cats aren’t drinking these cleaning products, but I refuse to take any chances. And that brings me back to the grooming part of pet care. Just like the huge array of organic, herbal-enriched hair and skin care available for humans, there’s a similar number of products for pets. A fur and skin care product is the component that completes the grooming toolkit. But which one works best and is truly safe?

Along with the medications and supplements that keep my aging population of cats healthy, they also eat prescription food. Please don’t think I’m lazy, but I have their food delivered on auto-ship by It’s fast and reliable—and, best of all, I don’t have to think about it! Chewy is also the place I go when I want to order new cat toys, cardboard scratching furniture, and aquarium air stones. So, of course it’s the first spot I checked out in search of pet skin and coat care products. There are a lot of options. Nixall Pro VetResponse’s Skin & Coat Grooming Solution is the best by far.

Test It, Love It

I tried the Skin & Coat Grooming Solution on myself first. Let me pause to highlight the fact that this is not a product for humans. But I would never use something on my cats that I wouldn’t use on myself. What I noticed first was just the faintest scent of clean water. This is important for two reasons:

  1. Heavy perfume scents are really unpleasant for the sensitive noses of cats & dogs
  2. A deodorizing product with a strong smell is usually a dead giveaway that it works by masking instead of neutralizing

When I take my cats to be bathed and shaved I have to request unscented products. Certain smells give me intense migraines, so I can only imagine what heavy perfumes must be like for cats and dogs. But this light spritzer doesn’t have any added smells. In fact, it’s completely safe to use around your pet’s eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. And that is music to my ears.

The clean water smell that I detected was hypochlorous acid. And this is where the magic is. In nature, hypochlorous acid is a byproduct made when lightning strikes the ocean. It’s just as dramatic in Nixall’s grooming solution. This completely natural combination manages to both clean excess oil from the shaft of your pet’s fur and restore the natural pH balance of their skin. That’s major! And when that first spray hit my hand and left absolutely no residue, I knew I’d found a pet care product for life.

Nixall Pro VetResponse
Part of living is making a mess, part of being smart is knowing how to clean it up.

Now You Try!

My cats just got their summer shave, so I don’t have any mats to worry about. But with the Texas heat sucking all the moisture from the air, I use the Skin & Coat Grooming Solution to moisturize their skin. It also helps to cool them down since they don’t have sweat glands and rely on grooming to regulate their body temperature. Your animal family might be like mine, and need a little help grooming. Or maybe you’ve got a young puppy or kitten who hasn’t quite gotten the hang of it yet. Maybe you have some rough and tumble critters who bring in both the fun and the smell of outdoors when they come inside. Every animal-loving home can benefit from an effective multi-purpose product that’s safe. And that product is Nixall Pro VetResponse Skin & Coat Grooming Solution.

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Nixall Pro VetResponse Skin & Coat Grooming Solution


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