
Struggling To Lose Weight? There’s Help!

If you're struggling to lose weight, you've come to the right place. Here are some simple tips to get you on track to reach your goal weight.
Struggling to lose weight this summer

If you’re one of the few Prime Women who isn’t struggling with weight issues, then count your blessings. You’re in the minority! For most of us, weight gain after menopause is the bane of our existence. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be. While it’s more difficult to lose or maintain weight as we age, changing our diet can prevent what is considered an inevitable age-related weight gain, and we can potentially lose weight as summer comes to a close and fall is on the horizon.

Women after 50 need fewer calories but more nutrients. (Yes, this would fall into the “life isn’t fair” category.) Unfortunately, however, our appetites rarely diminish. In fact, most of us will consume the same volume of food each day regardless of our age. So, as our metabolism slows and our postmenopausal bodies become more insulin resistant and encourage fat storage, it’s even more important to satisfy our hunger and fill up our stomachs with low-calorie, nutrient-dense meals.

What Better Time Than Now?

What better time to start making adjustments to your diet than now? Nature, not surprisingly, provides us with all the guidance we need. I’m convinced more than ever that the warmth of the season is nature’s way of helping us lose and maintain weight while providing prime women with the added nutrients we need to protect ourselves against chronic disease.

The record-breaking heat we’ve seen this summer has certainly taken a toll on our bodies and, in turn, our appetites. I survived the stifling temperatures without AC and couldn’t believe how my eating patterns and food preferences changed as a result. As I’ve mentioned in the past, during the colder months of winter, we often gravitate toward heavy, fatty foods such as stews, rich sauces, and meats. Consequently, most of us gain a little weight, which, quite frankly, we need to help us stay warm but, unfortunately, rarely lose.

It All Adds Up

The accumulating effect of these additional pounds adds up over the years, putting us at increased risk for chronic and age-related diseases and leaving us discouraged about our changing bodies. Throughout the summer, we work to drop the pounds and get our beach bodies ready, but vacations, poolside cocktails, and BBQs can offset our efforts. While it’s hot outside, we surround ourselves with air-conditioning to keep us comfortable. We work, sleep, and even exercise in cooler temperatures, and doing so allows our bodies to continue to long for the calorie-dense meals we enjoy during the winter.

If you set your mind to it as we look to the fall, I’m confident you’ll find your appetite waning significantly and your body craving foods that are cooling, thirst-quenching, nutrient-dense, and low in calories. Ironically enough, the foods that are in season this time of year, namely fruits and vegetables, are just that – loaded with vitamins and minerals and consist predominately of water.

Set A Goal To Lose Weight

Weight Gain from Tropical fresh fruits and vegetables organic for healthy lifestyle, Arrangement different vegetables organic for eating healthy and dieting

Before fall arrives, take advantage of the last warm summer days. For the next 6 weeks, try turning up the AC in your home, and at least during the day, go for a walk, eat lunch, and even relax outside to experience the heat. Consider rolling down the windows in your car when running errands or commuting and see if you don’t crave more produce. If so, replace some of your unhealthy snacks and heavier meals with volumes of fruit, veggies, and lighter, plant-based, fiber-rich dishes.

Below, I’ve listed foods that are nutrient-dense, mostly water, and low in calories. These fruits and vegetables contain at least 75% water by weight. For the near future, overindulge in summer’s bounty to satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst. Get outside, take a hike, and enjoy the warm days. Notice how your body responds. Your mood and energy should improve, and your weight should drop, naturally!

Healthy foods list to lose weight this summer

Substitute for Success

smoked salmon appetizer

Do you need easy and tasty suggestions to incorporate the above into your day without sacrificing or depriving yourself of delicious food? Here are some easy and tasty suggestions. 

  • Swap zucchini ribbons for pasta.
  • Enjoy baked carrot fries, not French fries.
  • Use large, dark, leafy greens as your wrap instead of a floured tortilla or bread.
  • Top off your unsweetened yogurt or cottage cheese with fresh berries or peaches.
  • Replace your veggie burger bun with a grilled portobello mushroom “bun.”
  • Quarter a large, juicy, fresh tomato and fill it with healthy tuna fish salad. (Avoid tuna fish from eateries and restaurants. It’s full of unhealthy fat and calories.)
  • Flavor plain, baked fish with a fruited salsa.
  • Make frittata muffins with mushrooms, onions, peppers, and spinach.
  • Make a large salad as one of your meals each day.

The options are endless. Please note the emphasis on veggies, not fruit. They are not equal. As a general rule of thumb, non-starchy veggies rule; fruit is nature’s dessert. The volume of your meals should be vegetables. Indulge and enjoy the results, and let this be the summer when you stop struggling to lose weight.

Want to give intermittent fasting a try? Take a look at Prime Women’s PLATE program. Now available in an app on Apple or Android with reminders to keep you on track.

If you’re worried about being hungry while intermittent fasting, try our program for 5-day ProLon fasting with food, or you can use FastBar to avoid temptation and help you find success! 

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This article is for informational purposes only, is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and is not a substitute for medical advice.

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Verified Weight Loss Results With Prolon Fast

How to Break A Weight Loss Plateau

The Key to Weight Loss and Longevity


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