
Everyone’s Talking About 80 Day Obsession: Is it Right For You?

80 day obsession

At-home workouts are all the buzz now with coronavirus closing gyms and fitness studios across the country. And if you’re looking for a daily workout routine that combines aerobic and strength training, 80 Day Obsession seems to be a top contender.

Designed by fitness trainer Autumn Calabrese, 80 Day Obsession is part of Beachbody’s collection of fitness programs. It promises to shed off the pounds and sculpt your body from head to toe. But does the program really work, and how can you determine if it’s the best plan for you? Read on as we break down 80 Day Obsession and dive into the program’s pros and cons.

Breaking Down the Workouts in 80 Day Obsession

With Beachbody’s 80 Day Obsession program, you’ll participate in 80 days of unique workouts over the course of 13 weeks. The program is designed to sculpt your entire body, and each day focuses on a specific theme. The six themes include:

  • Total Body Core: A full-body workout packed with compound moves.
  • Booty: Isolated movements using resistance bands and strength slides to target your glutes.
  • Cardio Core: A mix of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), combined with moves to sculpt your core.
  • AAA: Eccentric contractions designed to target your arms, abs, and a**.
  • Legs: Tone major muscle groups in your legs, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, shins, and calves.
  • Cardio Flow: The ultimate fat-burning workout to burn major calories and improve your endurance.

On average, you’ll be working out 45-60 minutes a day, six days a week, with Sunday acting as a rest day. With three distinct phases, the workouts become increasingly more difficult over time. You’ll also need to have workout equipment on hand since the exercises require weights, resistance loops, and strength slides.

80 day obsession

What does the diet plan entail?

Similar to other Beachbody programs, the diet plan for 80 Day Obsession uses color-coded, portion control containers to focus on healthy eating in the proper amounts. Each container corresponds to a particular food group, such as fruits, veggies, proteins, carbs, and healthy fats. 

A simple formula determines your caloric target. Based on your target, a corresponding diet plan is assigned that suggests the number of containers to use per day. The meal plan consists of roughly 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat. 

In addition to the portion control containers, the program introduces timed nutrition, making 80 Day Obsession unique from many other Beachbody programs. The timing of meals is based around your planned workout time. Using timed nutrition ensures you are giving your body the right amount of food at the right time. Timing your meals in this way fuels your workouts and supports muscle recovery.

What are the benefits of 80 Day Obsession?

  1. No two workouts are alike: All 80 workouts are unique, meaning you’ll never have to worry about getting bored with the same fitness routine every day. The workouts are a mix of both cardio and strength training to keep you engaged. The workouts also gradually increase in intensity, so your body is being challenged continuously throughout the program. 
  2. You get a day-by-day action plan: With 80 Day Obsession, you won’t be left wondering what steps you need to take to ensure maximum results. In addition to the workouts, the program includes a starter guide, eating plans, a workout calendar, and tracker sheets. All of these tools help you stay on track and achieve your personal fitness goals. 
  3. The workouts are filmed live: Unlike many fitness programs, 80 Day Obsession was recorded live over 80 consecutive days. The trainer and cast complete each workout with you, and you get to experience their transformations in real-time. The exercises also include modifications in case you need to slow down the exercise intensity. 
  4. Extra support to help with accountability: The 80 Day Obsession program requires a Beachbody On Demand membership, which costs around $99/year. The membership includes access to more than 40 different workout programs and a personal coach to answer your questions and provide support. Coaches often set up challenge groups so you can post your workout progress and get support from others participating in the same workout program.

80 day obsession

What about the cons? 

  1. It’s not for beginners: Autumn stresses the importance of having a base level of fitness before beginning 80 Day Obsession. You should participate in a regular exercise routine that includes cardio and strength training for at least two months before starting the program. 
  2. High-impact exercises can be strenuous on your joints: If you have arthritis, osteoporosis, or joint injuries, it’s best to skip 80 Day Obsession due to the high-intensity exercises. Instead, seek out a workout plan with low-impact exercises where at least one foot stays in contact with the ground. 
  3. The diet and exercise guidelines can be restrictive: The program’s strict diet and exercise guidelines aren’t suitable for everyone. It’s probably best to avoid 80 Day Obsession if you’re concerned about or have a history of disordered eating.
  4. Results can be hard to maintain: Although you should see results if you follow the guidelines, results can be hard to maintain. Due to the program’s high expectations and intensity, some people argue it promotes short-term results and may not be sustainable long-term.

The Final Verdict 

The bottom line: there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to your fitness routine. Everyone has different physical abilities, body types, and dietary needs. While 80 Day Obsession might be an excellent fit for some, the program may be too restrictive or intense for others. 

When choosing a fitness routine, consider your current fitness capabilities and overall goals. Evaluate the pros and cons, and select a program that aligns with your own expectations and personal goals.

If you are near 50 or over, you might want to consider a more practical approach with your diet and fitness. Prime Women is launching their new app for PLATE, an eating/lifestyle program for postmenoupausal women. In addition to the recommended 10,000 steps a day, there’s a whole suite of exercise videos available on Prime Women Media.

Images via Beachbody/80 Day Obsession

Should you join the 80 day obsession?



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