Much of our life is spent either planning for, working in, or reflecting on our careers. From a young age, we dream of what we’ll be when we grow up. I had a chalkboard and played teacher for many years with all of my stuffed animals, even making my friends join the list of pupils that I instilled endless wisdom in from my fake lectern. That evolved into dreams of becoming a doctor, then a meteorologist, and finally, a writer and editor. I love words, I love grammar, I love fixing mistakes, so I found the career of my dreams.
But regardless of which career path we choose, there’s typically a common goal: retirement. As we experience family members and friends celebrating this amazing milestone, we hope to get the perfect retirement gift. Here’s a list of some of our favorites, including gifts for someone on a budget, for a tech-savvy retiree, or just something you might think they’d love.

For the Home

For the Entertainer

New Hobby

From the Heart



As you raise a toast to the next chapter in your retiree’s life, try to also gift them with something that they will enjoy in the next stage of their life. After working for many years, it’ll feel good to be their own boss, have more time to see friends or family members, or the opportunity to take up a new hobby. Regardless of their new dreams and goals, give them something that will make them smile and think of you.
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5 Steps to Get Your Home Ready for Retirement