
Jimmy Fallon and Thank You Notes

Jimmy Fallon and Thank You Notes

I take inspiration wherever I can find it. And, it seems that every Friday night, I am inspired by Jimmy Fallon. You know Jimmy Fallon, he’s the totally cute Gen Xer hosting the Tonight Show these days. The source of my inspiration isn’t that he’s sweetness personified, it is that he has single-handedly turned thank you notes into cool.

Jimmy has thanked everyone from the Easter Bunny to LBJ in his regular Friday night ode to good manners.

In doing so he has returned an almost archaic habit to the forefront of the minds of Gen Yers, Xers and Boomers. So thank you Jimmy Fallon.

Two Bites at the Apple

I’m often asked the question, “Should I send a thank you?” and the follow up question, “Is an email thank you OK?” The answer is “yes,” and “yes.” Dashing off a quick email thank you has the effect of immediacy, and following up with a hand written thank you note has the effect of good manners. And that is two bites at the thank you apple.

In the offices of my executive clients, I often see hand written thank you notes on their desks – they stand out from the crowd. E-mail thank you’s are read and then get the “delete” button. Written notes on stationary hang around the desk.

Thank You Note Diplomacy

ThankYouCardThank you notes are a huge part of relationship management, career growth and the job search process. We all know that personal words of appreciation are valued.

George Herbert Walker Bush is said to have written, by hand, thank you notes every evening to those he spent time with that day. I’d venture that this “thank you note diplomacy” was the basis of his extended relationship network and following. Would it be too much to say that his habit of thanking people, showing appreciation and building relationships brought him the Presidency?

Do It

Why not begin your own thank you note diplomacy in whatever really cool way that works for you. Begin today. Thank the person who bought you lunch, dinner or concert tickets…sure… that’s a no brainier.

Thank the person who told you your skirt was too tight or that your tie had a spot on it…sure…image matters.

Thank the person who answered your question when you stopped them in the hall…sure… they were in a hurry and answered anyway.

Thank the person who gave you an hour because you asked for help or advice…sure… their time is valuable even if you didn’t like the advice.

Thank the person.

And, speaking of thanks, thank YOU for being a part of our community. Thank you for your referrals, kind words and continued business. You’re the best!

If you want to enjoy more of Jimmy Fallon’s thank you notes, you can purchase the book by the writers of Late Night here.


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