
Popular Cosmetic Procedures for Women in their 50s and Beyond

Cosmetic Procedures After 50 - Who doesn’t wish they could slow down the natural signs of aging? Unfortunately, even with a healthy lifestyle such as reg...
cosmetic procedures

Who doesn’t wish they could slow down the natural signs of aging? Unfortunately, even with a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, good nutrition and limited sun exposure, the signs of aging are inevitable. Life happens! While some may embrace the natural aging process, many women (and men) are now searching for ways to reverse signs of aging and restore their youthful look. Luckily, with modern advances in medicine and aesthetics, these issues can be addressed with popular cosmetic procedures that are both surgical and non-surgical, to create beautiful, natural looking results.

Popular Cosmetic ProceduresMore and more women are now seeking non-invasive procedures, the most popular being injectables, such as neurotoxin, to soften or erase facial wrinkles and/or soft tissue fillers to correct volume loss. For women with concerns of wrinkles between the brows (frown lines), forehead, neck, lips, and around the eyes – neurotoxin injections such as Botox or Dysport may be your solution. Signs of facial aging can also result from changes in the shape and generalized loss of facial volume. Soft tissue fillers help restore facial contour. The wonderful thing about these injectables is that each treatment can be customized to meet individual needs. Both neurotoxin and soft tissue fillers have significantly increased in popularity because it allows women to look younger and achieve amazing results without surgery and without downtime!

Popular Cosmetic Procedures After 50

Women in their 50s especially fall victim to the effects of gravity and stresses of daily life. Many complain of drooping breasts and excess, loose abdominal skin. This is especially more prevalent in women who have had children and are left with stretched skin and weakened muscles that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. As women age, skin gradually loses its elasticity, resulting in a loss of breast volume. It’s not surprising that many women seek ways to feel younger and more vibrant. Surgical correction of these changes can be achieved with cosmetic procedures such as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and/or breast lift. Women choose to undergo a tummy tuck to remove loose, unwanted skin and to tighten abdominal muscles. This is often combined with liposuction for additional body contouring. Women with “droopy breast” benefit from a breast lift and may choose breast augmentation if more breast volume is desired.

Cosmetic Procedures After 50

It is now common to combine cosmetic surgeries such as breast lift and tummy tuck to address multiple issues. Not only is this cost effective; it minimizes recovery time.

The combination of different procedures is the most effective, most natural way to turn back the hands of time and embrace the future feeling and looking beautiful.



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