
A Natural Solution for Inflammation

Joint inflammation - 3D rendering of joint pain

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Have you ever heard of silent inflammation? It’s one of the biggest threats to our health and overall wellbeing, and yet we might not even know it’s going on. It can affect almost every part of our anatomy, including causing damage to your heart and brain, upsetting your digestive system, making your joints stiff and achy, and even ruining the color and texture of your skin.

As additional scientific research is performed, it’s becoming increasingly clear that silent inflammation is the common link that fast-tracks aging and makes us look and feel old before our time.

That brings us to the conclusion that reducing silent inflammation throughout your body may be the single most important thing you can do daily to help you feel and look your best.

Searching the Globe to Fight Harmful Inflammation

Hi, I’m Naomi Whittel. I was born in Switzerland, educated in the U.S., and have spent the past two decades traveling the world to find the most potent and effective natural health remedies available. My friend Dr. Sanjay Gupta has called me a “wellness warrior” because of the impact I have had fighting the health issues that affect our families and us.

Of all of my journeys, nothing has left a deeper and more lasting impression than the first of my many trips to India. I knew at that time that the rate of serious cognitive decline in India was far lower than in the U.S. (a trend that continues), and I knew about the emerging scientific studies focused on the spice turmeric, but what I didn’t realize was the vast amount of turmeric consumed in India on a daily basis.

In India, turmeric is used as a universal flavoring in food preparation, much like salt is used in the U.S. Except that turmeric is SO MUCH healthier than salt and offers a wealth of health benefits unseen in most store-bought (and sodium-rich) products.

The Nearly Miraculous Health Properties of Turmeric

Turmeric powder and whole plant

Over the decade since my first visit to India, the incredible health benefits of turmeric have been the subject of thousands of scientific studies that are now pointing to turmeric as Mother Nature’s secret weapon to combat the harmful effects of everyday, silent inflammation.

Specifically, gold-standard clinical studies have shown that turmeric is perhaps the most effective natural substance on earth at inhibiting COX-2. This enzyme is responsible for sparking your body’s inflammatory response.

I have to say, consuming turmeric is now a vital part of my daily health regimen. I cook with it, drink it in tea, and take a supplement with a full research-based dose of it every day.

Let’s take a look at the warning signs of silent inflammation, as well as how you can get the right daily dose of turmeric. We’ll also dive into another key antioxidant that can help combat harmful inflammation, save you from having to deal with serious health issues, and keep you looking and feeling younger than your years.

6 Warning Signs of Harmful Silent Inflammation

As scientists begin to understand the body’s complex systems better, they’re developing a clearer picture of how silent inflammation can impact your health. Here are six of the most common symptoms:

Memory Impairment

Research has shown that memory formation and recall both suffer when the brain is inflamed. Unfortunately, many people start to believe that scattered thoughts and trouble focusing are an inevitable part of aging—but they’re not! Silent inflammation is likely the culprit.

Digestive Discomfort

The gut microbiome is so complex that it is sometimes referred to as a “second brain.” And while many factors can disrupt its delicate balance, digestive issues can often be traced to harmful inflammation within the digestive tract.

Elevated C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Levels

High levels of CRP are an indication that inflammation is present in your body. The data linking high levels of CRP to increased heart risk has led a growing number of physicians to routinely run a test for cardiac-specific C-reactive protein.

Aches and Pains

Chronic Pain

Silent inflammation creates heightened pain sensitivity in the body, as well as common everyday aches and pains in joints and muscles. If your body feels sore and stiff, systematic inflammation is likely to blame.

Skin Issues

Silent inflammation is the hallmark of the redness, itchiness, flaky skin, and discomfort associated with many common skin conditions.

Cholesterol Imbalances

A growing body of evidence has shown that inflammation triggers increased production of cholesterol. The body attempts to protect the lining of blood vessels and arteries from damage, often leading to harmful levels of build-up and serious cardiovascular issues.

If you’re experiencing one or more of these six symptoms, it’s time to get proactive. You can safely and naturally combat harmful silent inflammation, which will save you from having to deal with serious health issues and avoid unnecessary aches, pains, stomach issues, or memory problems.

The Strong Connection Between Inflammation and Brain Health

Of all the health issues associated with harmful silent inflammation, perhaps the most serious are those related to brain health. And this is where getting a research-based dose of turmeric every day can work wonders.

A recent landmark study found that turmeric promotes the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a growth hormone responsible for youthful brain function. According to scientists, higher BDNF levels may hold the key to improved memory and sharper thinking as you age.

What’s more, a recent study found that daily turmeric intake produced short-term memory improvements in adults over 60 who were predisposed to memory loss. It worked like a six-hour memory boost!

And perhaps most exciting of all, preliminary research indicates that turmeric may inhibit the formation of debris fragments that can lead to age-related cognitive decline. This may be the result of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, being one of the few substances on earth with the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

These brain health benefits alone are enough of a reason to take a research dosage of turmeric every day. But the benefits of controlling harmful silent inflammation are MUCH more wide-ranging than that.

Brain games are great for strengthening cognitive abilities

Turmeric Also Benefits Your Heart, Joints, and So Much More

  • Extensive research has shown that elevated levels of an inflammation marker called C-reactive protein (CRP) are a strong indicator of long-term cardiovascular risk. Breakthrough new research is now showing that turmeric can lower levels of CRP by an impressive 32%.***
  • Another recent clinical study showed turmeric can also significantly lower triglycerides, another major cardiovascular risk factor, by up to 47%.
  • Scientific studies show that turmeric’s anti-inflammatory benefits can also aid in promoting healthy digestion. In one study, turmeric was associated with up to a 25% reduction in digestive discomfort, with two-thirds of participants reporting overall improvement in digestive function.
  • Turmeric is also great for your joints. One landmark study showed that turmeric relieved joint pain as effectively as a popular mainstream pill while reducing stiffness and improving overall joint function—all without side effects.

But There’s a Catch: Turmeric Doesn’t Work As Well Without This One Key Ingredient.

We don’t all agree on much these days, but I think we can agree that we all want to look and feel younger and healthier than our age.

And there is little doubt that controlling harmful inflammation is vitally important to achieving what I like to call “healthy longevity.” By looking at the aforementioned research, it’s hard to argue with the idea that making turmeric part of your daily health routine is an essential part of achieving this.

But as beneficial as turmeric is, there’s recent scientific research that points to yet another essential nutrient for maintaining youthful vigor. And this is one area where turmeric falls short of being a “perfect” remedy.

The Secret to Turmeric’s Success

Have you ever heard the term French Paradox? In a nutshell, it means that despite a high-fat diet loaded with cheese, fatty fish, and fatty oils, the French have significantly lower incidences of serious heart problems compared to Americans, and one has to wonder why.

Research indicates that the mitigating factor is that the French typically drink red wine – lots and lots of red wine.

As it turns out, red wine is a GREAT source of one of the most uniquely potent antioxidants on the planet – resveratrol.

For over a decade, I’ve been spreading the word about the amazing health benefits of resveratrol. And I have made sure to emphasize there are two types of resveratrol compounds – CIS-resveratrol and TRANS-resveratrol.

This is vitally important because, over recent years, resveratrol has been the subject of thousands of clinical studies, and only the active compounds in TRANS-resveratrol have been scientifically shown to provide documented health benefits.

This research shows that this “super-antioxidant” helps increase a group of seven proteins called sirtuins which together have been nicknamed the “youth genes.” According to this research, the more sirtuins you have, the better chance you have of what I call “healthy longevity.”

But the downside is that to get the full health benefits of resveratrol, it would take drinking as many as 100 glasses of wine per day – clearly neither practical nor advisable! An easy fix? In addition to turmeric, consider adding a trans-resveratrol supplement to your health regimen every day.

“If I Could Only Take One Supplement Each Day, This Would Be It”

I’ve been deeply involved in the world of healthy living and nutritional supplements for more than 20 years. And during this time, I’ve had a hand in developing over 300 successful wellness and anti-aging formulas.

My business and my passion are to tap into the best scientific minds and ingredient resources from around the world to bring the most effective natural wellness nutrients to you and in their most pure and potent forms.

NAOMI Turmeric + Resveratrol

While many highly-effective nutrients are available to address specific health concerns, they typically don’t cover many bases. However, there is nothing that comes close to turmeric and resveratrol for overall everyday wellness. And in times like these, our bodies need all the health support we can get.

That’s why I make sure to take both of these super-nutrients every day in therapeutic doses… and so should you.

And to make taking these two “super-nutrients” as convenient as possible, I’ve combined them in one potent antioxidant formula, simply called  NAOMI Turmeric + Resveratrol

I know that isn’t a very creative name, but sometimes simple is best when dealing with essential basics. With the convenience of two easy-to-swallow veggie capsules per day, NAOMI Turmeric + Resveratrol provides:

  • High Potency Turmeric
    This formula contains a turmeric extract standardized to 95% curcuminoids, up to twice the standardization of other highly advertised and far less effective turmeric formulas.
  • Research-Level Dosage
    At 1,000 mg, you are getting a research-based dosage of turmeric every day. Many brands contain only 100 mg or less, and you’re throwing your money away for such pixie-dust levels. That’s only 10% of the levels you need for the cardiovascular, brain, joint, and overall inflammation-fighting benefits you need.
  • Super-Antioxidant Resveratrol
    The 100 mg of TRANS- resveratrol included in this formula is the only kind of resveratrol scientifically shown to help stimulate the “youth gene.”
  • Enhanced with Grapeseed Extract
    This formula also includes 25 mg of grapeseed extract, which provides additional heart health benefits. Research shows that grapeseed can help reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow.
  • Superior Absorption
    The one big flaw of turmeric is that it is hard for the body to absorb. To address this problem, this formula includes 10 mg of BioPerine® black pepper extract, which has been shown to increase turmeric absorption by up to 2,000%. As a bonus, BioPerine also increases the absorption of resveratrol by over 200%.
  • Quality You Can Trust
    It’s made in a state-of-the-art, FDA-inspected facility in the U.S.A. Unlike some brands with questionable quality, this is a product with purity and potency you can trust!
  • Affordably Priced, Free Shipping, and Risk-Free
    With this special offer, you can get NAOMI Turmeric + Resveratrol at an amazingly affordable price – as low as $20 per bottle. It is not available in stores, but it ships for FREE. Plus, it is backed by an amazing 365-day guarantee! If you’re not satisfied for any reason, I’ll gladly send you a full refund, up to one year after purchase. It’s as simple as that.

About the Author:

Naomi Whittel Standing shot



Naomi Whittel is a New York Times bestselling author and women’s health advocate with an insatiable curiosity for the healing power of nature. She was born in Switzerland, educated in the U.S., and has spent the past two decades traveling the world to find the most potent and effective natural health remedies available.




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