
Get A More Youthful Appearance with Forever Young BBL™

Forever Young BBL ™ is an increasingly popular, innovative technology that delivers light therapy in the deep layers of the skin to boost the body’s natu...
youthful appearance

Forever Young BBL ™ is an increasingly popular, innovative technology that delivers light therapy in the deep layers of the skin to boost the body’s natural ability to fight aging and provide a more youthful appearance. Forever Young BBL™ targets brown spots, broken capillaries and damaged collagen. The treatments effectively make you look younger by providing a more refreshed, rejuvenated, and youthful appearance. A long term clinical study from Stanford University proved that patients who received regular Forever Young BBL ™ treatments over the course of a decade looked 11 years younger than their actual age. In other words, they looked younger than when the study began!

Forever Young BBL™, or “broad band light” therapy is a noninvasive and gentle procedure with virtually no downtime. The cost is surprisingly affordable and treatments provide impressive, long lasting results.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

The treatments can be done on any part of the body. The most common areas are the face, neck, chest and hands. The BBL stimulates the body’s own collagen production, which leads to smoother, less wrinkled skin. Brown spots, broken capillaries and other skin discolorations disappear. It is so effective on the redness of broken capillaries, that it’s is the perfect maintenance treatment for those who suffer from Rosacea. BBL has also been shown to reduce the frequency and duration of acne break outs.

What Should I Expect During a Treatment?

Typically, a topical anesthetic is provided at no additional cost. This is removed after 30 minutes, and the eyes are protected with special safety shields. As the pulses of energy are delivered into the skin, a light stinging or “snapping” sensation will be felt, but is tolerable. The treatment for a face, neck and chest usually takes about 30 minutes. Makeup can be applied directly after a treatment and you can return to work and­­­ resume most of your normal activities immediately.

What Should I Expect After a Treatment?

You may experience some redness and a mild sunburned feeling that should resolve within a few hours. The pigmented lesions, brown spots and freckles will darken over the first 24 hours and flake off over the next three days. Broken capillaries will disappear. The treated skin will feel smoother and the pores will be less noticeable. New collagen begins to form about one week after treatment and continues to improve for many weeks. It’s important to follow the advice of your provider, using the recommended professional products and treatment schedule for the maximum anti-aging and corrective results that will give your skin a more youthful appearance.


youthful appearance
With just 3-4 Forever Young BBL treatments a year, your skin will have a more youthful appearance, look healthier and smoother­­­­­­. Loving your skin is possible! With these BBL treatments, prepare to get compliments on your skin from friends, family and even total strangers!



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