
How To Lose 5 Lbs Fast!

how to lose 5 lbs fast

Want to jump-start your weight loss program and lose 5 lbs fast? We’ve got the perfect suggestion, ProLon® Fast Mimicking Diet. Begin the new year with an eating plan that will not only help you lose weight but has long-term effects on your health.

The ProLon Fasting-Mimicking Diet is a 5-day pre-packaged meal plan developed after 20 years of research conducted at the University of Southern California and funded by the National Institute of Health. Read more about the science and researchers in our article The Key to Weight Loss and Longevity

According to the ProLon® website, you will achieve the following benefits:

  1. Kickstart weight loss*, support healthy metabolic balance, and rejuvenation from within.
  2. Triggers autophagy for the clean-up of worn-out cells.
  3. Helps target visceral fat for a trimmer waistline*.

Lose 5 lbs Fast!

Those are very strong claims, but a number of Prime Women have tried ProLon and had great success with weight loss. Read their stories in Verified Weight Loss Results With ProLon Fast. Everyone interviewed for the article who stuck with the program for the full 5 days lost 5 lbs and some even more. 

What women have liked about the ProLon Fast is they are not hungry even though technically, the body thinks you are going on a 5 day fast. Fasting with food sounds like an oxymoron, yet that is exactly what the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet® (FMD) offers. It includes 5 days of plant-based and scientifically tested ingredients that nourish the body while it does not recognize it is eating. This fasting-with-food meal plan is low in carbohydrates and proteins and contains good fatty acids. The FMD® recipe allows your body to remain under a fasting mode even though you are consuming calories, AND more importantly, losing weight!

ProLon ingredients are primarily plant-based, and it’s gluten-free and non-GMO. The program includes a variety of 5 different soup flavors, sesame kale crackers, chocolate dessert bar, olives, L-drink for energy, & supplements. (We recommend you order the New Flavors rather than the Original – better soups!) While your hunger likely won’t be completely satisfied in the first day or two, your body will adjust, and you will be receiving the nourishment necessary to maintain your health.

While the ultimate goal of fasting is longevity, ProLon is a fat-focused weight loss program. You will lose fat (especially belly fat) while protecting lean body mass.*

If you want to jump-start your weight loss program and reap the benefits of a 5 day fast, in the U.S. and Canada, use Coupon Code: PRIME for $25 off your order.     Prolon coupon

For our U.K. readers, use PRIME for $25 off your ProLon 5 Day Fasting Mimicking Diet

At Prime Women, we recognize that while losing 5 lbs is a great start, many of us need to lose far more, AND, need a plan to keep the weight off. That is why we highly recommend that you follow up your ProLon Fast with a commitment to a healthy eating program for the long haul. That is why we developed the only intermittent fasting program for women over 50, PLATE.

PLATE is a weight management program designed specifically for women near or over 50. The program was developed in collaboration with Dr. Kathryn Waldrep, a practicing OB-Gyn with 35 years of experience in treating and counseling women from childbearing age to end of life. 

If your goal in the new year is to finally, once and for all, get on a healthy eating plan, take a look at Plate. Learn how to become a member on Apple or Android.


*Benefits seen in a clinical study of 5-day ProLon cycles monthly for three consecutive months. ProLon was also shown in the study to help individuals lose an average of 5.7 lbs and 1.6 inches off their waist circumference.
The ingredients in ProLon are generally considered recognized as safe (GRAS). ProLon is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ProLon and statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.

This article is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor before using any products mentioned in the article or before joining the PLATE intermittent fasting weight loss program.



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