
But I Hate Going To The Gym…

What to do when you hate going to the gym

It’s not convenient to go to the gym. I don’t belong to a gym or – fill in the blank. We all have or have had excuses as to why we don’t do any strength training. Well let me introduce you to the Internet.

You no longer have an excuse other than you may need to actually go to a store and buy some dumbbells. With all the offerings on YouTube and fitness websites, there’s every kind of fitness video you can think of, including some very good strength training ones.

One of the best websites is Hasfit. It’s totally free and they have everything you could want from low impact beginner workouts to advanced, like the “Warrior 90 Day Workout.” (I admit I’ve never looked at that one. The title alone scares me!) What has impressed me is the strength training workouts they have for women.

While I’m out of town for the summer, my trainer perused the Hasfit site and found a great routine for me to follow to keep me in shape until I return in the fall. There are several especially designed for women but there are many others that would work equally well, just make sure you select a video that matches your current fitness level.

I also highly recommend you follow one of their cool down returns after your workout. Their total body stretch is excellent. You’ll not only stretch the muscles you’ve just worked but you’ll also get an overall stretch for your entire body.

If you hate going to the gym, you are now out of excuses. Go buy some dumbbells if you don’t have any, and replace that flab with some muscle!


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