
Germs Calling: Your Dirty Smartphone Could be Making You Sick

Whether it be a cold, the flu, or the new coronavirus, we’re learning how to be savvy in prevention i.e., frequent 20-second hand-washing, plenty of rest, masks, gloves, good nutrition, vitamin C and Zinc to name a few.

And yet, one of the greatest offenders may be in your hand at this very moment: your cell phone.

While articles from The Wall Street Journal and Time Magazine warn of the perils of a dirty smartphone, surely, yours can’t possibly be THAT dirty, right?

Ever dig for your ringing phone at the bottom of your purse around all that loose change and the pen you mistakenly took from the clerk? Or keep talking as you take your phone into a bathroom stall (consider what’s transpiring!) only to then put it on the counter as you wash up, lay it on the studio yoga mat or hand it to a co-worker to check out photos?

Get the picture?

It’s hard to imagine, but the hotel TV remote, airline tray, the toilet and your cell phone have a lot in common: germs, and lots of them.

And, to boot, we touch our phones about a whopping 47 times a day!

So how do we keep even common illnesses like the flu, pink eye and diarrhea at bay?

cleaning your dirty smartphone

It’s Time to Come Clean

Use these 2 easy tips for a healthier smartphone and a healthier you.

1. Limit Phone Use to Outside the Bathroom

It’s too easy to set it on the counter, drop it on the floor or hold it in your hands while flushing and opening doors.

2. Clean Often

Depending on the method, you can clean your dirty smartphone several times a week, and there are several convenient options with the last being the latest technology.

Wipes: While wipes are fine for cases, most contain alcohol which can damage screens, so use caution. Experts at Shape Magazine recommend using a peroxide-based wipe. Lightly go over the screen, then dry with a microfiber cloth. Again, USE CAUTION. Do not overly dampen the screen.

60/40 Solution of Water to Alcohol: Use a microfiber cloth very lightly sprayed with a 60/40 solution of water to alcohol. Again, do not wet, and microfiber dry.

A Total Cleaning System: Try Bausch and Lomb’s Clens, a smartphone cleaning system recommended by Apple.

The Latest in Technology: PhoneSoap uses UV-C light to kill bacteria in only 10 minutes. Not only will PhoneSoap clean your phone, it can also clean keys, credit cards, your watch or anything small enough to fit into the unit.

For more on your smartphone and your health, check out: Ways Your Smartphone Can Wreck Your Health


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