
Are Bath Bombs Safe? Find Out Before Taking the Plunge

are bath bombs safe

You would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy a hot bath every now and then to relax and unwind. If you aren’t using bath bombs, chances are your children or grandchildren are. If you’re the type to turn to bath bombs or other bath additives to enhance your relaxing experience, listen up. They could be causing more harm than good. As the Product Safety Investigator at and fellow bath lover, doing some research on the topic came naturally. After simply searching “bath bombs” on the internet, and reading up on a few alarming articles, I knew I had to let people know about the trending topic: Are bath bombs safe?

Of course, bath bombs are appealing to the eyes and nose, and can leave us feeling relaxed hours after a good soak session. However, our parents always told us, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” If you knew what these glittery berry scented bombs were made out of, you might think twice about popping one of them into your next bath. Are bath bombs safe? Not if they contain the following ingredients.


1. Glitter

Glitter is made up of small pieces of plastic. Plastic isn’t biodegradable, so once it runs down the drain, it’s damaging the earth. Not only is this damaging the earth, we don’t want our sensitive areas to feel the wrath of glitter as it can cause inflammation and irritations. If you’ve ever broken out in a rash after a bath and wondered why, you might have the answer now.

2. Talc

Although this ingredient isn’t always found in bath bombs, it’s important to know that using products that contain talc can put you at risk for ovarian cancer. This isn’t something you want to be soaking your lady parts in. If you’ve been catching up with the news lately, you probably have heard about the link between talc and ovarian cancer.

3. Fragrance

Who knew something that smells so delicious could be so harmful to your health? Terms like “fragrance,” “fragrance oils” or “fragrance oil blend” are frequently used when describing this ingredient, however, the petrochemicals they are made from is what we need to pay attention to. Bath bombs that contain fragrance can be made from many possible petrochemicals such as:

Benzene derivatives

  • On top of this chemical being considered a human carcinogen that can cause reproductive malformation and a lower immune system, it can also cause hormone disruption. If you are a woman going through menopause or older, hormones aren’t something you want to be messing with.


  • Breathing in these chemicals are known to link to cancer, central nervous system disorders, allergic reactions and birth defects.


  • Decreased hormonal levels, low sperm quality, obesity, ovarian aging, and cancer are all risks when utilizing fragrances with phthalates.

4. Artificial Dyes

D&C Red 33 is a dye derived from petroleum or coal tar. The galaxy of swirling colors in your bathtub could put you at risk for skin reactions, an elevated chance of ADHD in children and some have been linked to brain cancer.

5. Parabens

This ingredient is used to preserve a product or extend the shelf life of it. I try to think of it like fresh produce versus canned produce. The produce in the cans isn’t as desirable as the fresh produce. Same goes for bath bombs. You want to make sure you’re getting the freshest one of the bunch. Lastly, a common theme amongst these dangerous ingredients, are allergic reactions and links to cancer. Parabens can cause allergic reactions to the skin and have been linked to breast cancer.

Now, I would hate to leave you here feeling helpless. And I know you may be in shock, but don’t worry! Here are some safer alternatives to combat those nasty ingredients. I mean, after all, we still want to enjoy a hot, relaxing bath after a long stressful day!

5 Safe Alternatives for the Bath

1. If you’re all about the calming aromas, try lighting some scented candles or incense. Your mind will be at ease and you won’t be soaking in unpronounceable chemicals.
2. Is it the eye-popping color that your crave? There are much safer options to consider than dipping yourself in dyes. Look for submersible LED lights that can illuminate your bath from below.
3. Are you a bubble bath fanatic? Try this DIY recipe from DIY Natural for an all natural bubble bath that won’t leave you lingering in toxins.
4. Did I catch your attention with DIY? There are plenty of DIY bath bomb recipes on Pinterest.
5. Are the after effects what keeps you coming back to bath bombs? I know I loved how my skin would feel after taking a bath with my then favorite cocoa butter bomb. Moisturizing your skin with lotions that contain cocoa butter or natural oils will do the trick incomparably.

These easy to follow alternatives should leave your bath with endless options for max relaxation. Which option will you choose?

So, to answer to the question: Are bath bombs safe?

It depends on what’s in them, so do your homework.


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