
Coming Your Way in July


Hello, everyone!

July is here, which shockingly means we are more than half way through the year. Time is flying by! Here in the U.S., we will be celebrating the 4th of July (our Independence Day) by eating lots of grilled foods, watching parades, firework shows, and trying to stay cool.

We have lined up some exciting topics for you this month, and we hope you’ll either subscribe or check back often during July to see what’s new.

Already, we kicked off the month with an article from celebrity stylist Wendy Iles on embracing gray hair. We are often asked how best to transition from hair color to natural, so she has some tips for anyone thinking of making a change.

We are also going to be talking about developing a positive mindset of aging, and the flipside of that – very real topic of rage brought on by our wonderful, fluctuating hormones and how to handle it. You’ll also like our upcoming article called “Over 50 and Not Dead Yet.”

We are going to be looking at entrepreneurial busineses to start after 50, things every CEO should know, and how to project confidence in front of an audience.

Healthwise, there’s a little bit of everything, from increasing longevity by looking on the bright side, to living alone, and we get the “skinny” on fat.

As always, we also have relationships covered, are looking ahead at what’s next for our readers (and ourselves), how to make endings count, and we will be trying some new recipes and an assortment of lovely Spanish wines.

Now, in case you missed some of the articles that had everyone talking in June, here are the top 10 favorites.

8 Causes of Weight Gain

Why You’re Having a Midlife Crisis and Don’t Even Know It

Breaking Up With a Gal-Pal

Cooking for One: 6 Creative Ways to Eat Well

How Much Physical Exercise Keeps Your Brain Healthy?

Sandy’s Selections: Summer Books

5 Perfect White Blouses for Women

Assessing Your Skills and Talents

The Ongoing Battle with Body Image

10 Cropped Jeans Styles for Summer

Enjoy your July! Hope to see you around here!


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