
Why I Subscribe to Prime Women

Kathy O'Neal

The staff at Prime Women take pride in the work we do. We spend time researching articles and try to publish content that’s not only helpful and entertaining but makes genuine connections with our audience. One of our cherished, long-term readers recently contacted us about what Prime Women means to her. We took to heart what she had to say and thought about how we can continue to connect not only with her but with a world of women out there looking for a community and a voice that they can relate to.

Thoughts of a Subscriber

In her own words, this is what reader Kathy O. had to say about Prime Women. We’ve incorporated links throughout Kathy’s dialog for easy access to the articles that inspired her.

“This COVID crazy year has often caused us to think back on connections we have established with people, places, and things that have impacted our lives. Some we will admit are significant in nature, while others may be smaller but could never be called “insignificant.” I had just one of those thoughts as I opened my newest email from Prime today. It caused me to think back on the many small but significant ways my life has been changed for the better because of the “pearls of wisdom” I have gleaned from the expert information in the two, four, or six-minute reads I’ve enjoyed through the years in Prime.

While I can’t say I did all of the daily “Fitness Challenge” videos in January, I can say that I’ve incorporated new exercises and equipment into my previously established routine.  I’ve intertwined the simple healthy suggestions I’ve read about in Prime into my lifestyle – daily doses of Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Flax seeds sprinkled liberally on my morning yogurt; CBD in the evenings for improved “Z’s” and “HIT” (high-intensity training) sessions to spark my fitness rituals.   When I crave something new and different in hairstyles, makeup, or fashion, I always look to my Prime emails that I’ve saved for just those times. 

Opening my PW email is like spending some time with a best friend who gives good advice. I have discovered the “sound bites” that Prime provides on my favorite four “f’s” – fitness, fashion, fun, and feel-good topics – give me just enough information to satisfy my curiosity on the topics but also sends me to other sources if I wish to learn more. Yes – Prime is one connection, one relationship, that I’ve shared with so many of my friends because Prime has truly enriched my life.

While I totally resist “senior” labeled information targeted for “old folks,” I love the advice I get from PW that helps me look and feel better regardless of age. I find I have intertwined so many words of wisdom from PW into my lifestyle that have made a difference in my overall health – it has truly improved my life. I am proud to be an enthusiastic subscriber to PW and have forwarded it on to countless other women who have signed up as well.”

Our Experience

Kathy’s experience with Prime makes us realize how it can be more than just a website full of words. It’s an opportunity to help people explore new ideas or find new ways to be healthy. I know I personally benefitted from our article, 8 Ways to Make Friends Later in Life. I’m at the age where friends come and go, leave for jobs or family, and it’s not easy to replace a true confidante in life, especially when we get older and have fewer opportunities to make friends.

I also look forward to the workout videos we include in each newsletter. I find the quick workout fits perfectly into my day and is often not only an energy boost but a good way to get myself focused on fitness, 5 minutes at a time. I admit I’ve also learned a LOT about the various beauty enhancements and procedures that are available. I’d never even heard the word ‘Buccal’ until we published an article about it, and it was fascinating to learn about and explore a little further. I also find guidance on the newest makeup and hair trends and have found some favorite brands and items using the ‘What We’re Loving’ section of the newsletters. 

Also, after a long quarantine and holiday season, I personally found that I wasn’t my best self. I’d taken on some bad health habits and wasn’t living up to my full potential nutritionally. I decided to give PLATE a try, and it’s helped me get back on track tremendously. I feel better physically and mentally and am back on a healthier path where I feel more confident. And my clothes look much better too! 

Closing Thoughts

As we read over Kathy’s words and listen to feedback from other readers, it brought a new realization of how the work that we do affects the lives of our audience members. We hope Prime Women makes connections with our audience and speaks about topics that are important to you. We strive to educate and entertain with the content that we create and the issues we discuss, and we hope that each day brings a healthier, happier version of you.

If you’d like to connect with other members of the Prime Women community, consider joining our private Facebook group, which has over 4300 members!

Finally, one of Kathy O.’s suggestions was that we put together, in one place, where she could find that brand of jeans she absolutely adores, that skincare cream she read about, hair products that we recommended, etc. After reviewing what the best sellers were for 2020, we compiled Prime’s Top Picks 2020. Read more about the new list in our next newsletter. 


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