
Self Tanner: Top Picks and Tips for a Gorgeous Glow

self tanner

Having a bronze, coppery glow can feel so wonderful. We haven’t just gotten back from a vacation in the Bahamas, but we can still feel like we did! Tans can have a magical effect on us and also even out skin tone, cover unsightly varicose veins (raises hand), or help with feeling a little more slender. Here are a few great self tanner products, along with some sunless tanning tips and tricks for getting an amazing tan during these hot months without the harmful UV rays!

1. Exfoliate your body in the shower prior to applying self tanner.

Sunless tanning products work with a little thing called DHA (dihydroxyacetone). When applied, the color additive seeks out dead skin cells to “dye” them and make you look like the glowing goddess you are. When you exfoliate with a washcloth and shave your legs, your tan will look super even and you won’t get those gnarly streaks. It will even help it to last a bit longer. This is the priming step to give your skin the best chance for those DHAs to work in your favor!

Jergens Natural Glow primer in-shower scrub is the perfect exfoliator made for this purpose without breaking the bank.

Jergens Primer Scrub

Jergens Natural Glow Color Primer Exfoliating In-Shower Body Scrub, $7.39

Clinique sparkle skin body exfoliating cream is simplistic and safe for sensitive skin. This is great even if you aren’t tanning!

Clinique Exfoliating Cream

Clinique Sparkle Skin Body Exfoliating Cream, $26.50

2. You don’t have to be a self tanner pro…

Some of us are just pale by nature (once again raises hand). One time I foolishly self-tanned too dark before a vacation, and I can’t even recognize myself looking back on the photos. Since then, I gradually work my way up to a nice color. Some sunless tanning products are very light which helps jumpstart your tan with a hint of bronze without going overboard. Also, mixing lotion in with the self tanner can diffuse the color it a little bit, making it easier to rub in and balance the color out. Some sunless tanning products are tinted so you can see where the action is while you are applying.

Jergens Natural Glow is so lovely because it is a daily moisturizer. You can get “Fair to Medium” or “Medium to Tan” depending on the intensity you want. Just popping this on when getting out of the shower is an easy and wonderful way to a gradually, healthy glow.

Jergens Natural Glow

Jergens Natural Glow Revitalizing Lotion, $8.59

Sephora Collection tinted self-tanning body mist is an easy way to see where you are getting your tan without all the streaky guesswork. It is a nice, natural color (no orange!) and it dries quickly if you are running out the door!

Sephora Tinted Mist

Sephora Collection Tinted Self-Tanning Body Mist, $18

3. Watch the face!

When applying sunless tanning mousse, lotion, or mist, go light on the face. A lot of people skip doing it altogether because it can be quite daunting. Here are some makeup tips so you can get the same effect without getting self tanner in your pores or (heaven forbid) streaks on your face!

– Pick a bronzer that works best for you. Oily skin? Snag a powder. Dry skin? A cream is probably best for you. Also, some bronzers are matte and some have a fun little glow to them. Think about what look you are going for prior to purchasing one.

-Using a rounded, soft, fluffy brush; lightly dust the bronzer where the sun would hit your face. Along the nose and on top of the cheekbones, a little on the forehead, and bring some down onto the chin and neck just to make sure everything is evened out. Make sure to blend everything!

bareMinerals bronze powder bronzer is wonderful for adding a kiss of sunny rays and a healthy glow. It’s creamy formula makes it easy to blend. Adding a little swipe on your collar bones can make a nice finishing touch as well!

Bare Minerals Bronzer

bareMinerals Bronze Powder Bronzer, $28

I consider NYX the combat boot of the makeup world. It’s versatile and comfy while getting the job done. This NYX Professional makeup matte bronzer is no exception!

NYX Matte Bronzer

NYX Professional Makeup Matte Bronzer, $6.29

4. Sometimes you want the tan look without all of the fuss!

Streaks! Orange tones! Uneven patches! There are so many land mines when sunless tanning. Sometimes you just want a nice tan without the actual “self-tanning” part. Understandable! These are some awesome self tanner products that will get you a quick fix without the hassle.

Limelight Liquid Sunshine has saved my hide quite a few times. It is a beautiful glowing bronzer that rinses off after the fun is over but doesn’t transfer onto your clothes or car seats! It’s perfect for getting a little extra color on your arms or legs when going out for the evening. Sometimes I will add a tiny amount (smaller than a pea) to my face foundation to add a little extra oomph as well!

Limelight Liquid Sunshine

Limelight Liquid Sunshine, $28

“Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Spray” – This bad boy is as easy as they come.  It comes in 5 shades
so you can just have super sassy and sexy legs in seconds! It’s not a self-tanner, just an easy airbrush color.  Once again, the price is right too!

Sally Hansen Airbrush

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs, $8.76

I really hope you have learned some fun ways to get some safe color this summer! Always remember that if you really want a great fake tan but don’t want to do it yourself, there are some amazing airbrush artists out there! Always ask to see a portfolio prior to choosing an artist. They can help you get a shade you like while making it look seamless and natural. Also, even if you look tan, your body can still be affected by the harmful rays of the sun, so remember to put on that sunscreen. Treat yourselves and have a great summer! Xo


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