Studies show that more than ever, “high-value” women are choosing their well-being over a relationship and are happier because of it. With this happiness comes power and autonomy. A high-value woman is admired and respected yet kind to everyone. She knows that she must respect herself to be respected by others. While assertive, confident, and successful, she never loses her love of life and free-spiritedness.
Do you think she’s too good to be true?
She’s not. She’s you. And if she isn’t, these ten steps will get you to where you want to be.
10 Qualities of a High-Value Woman
1. Value Your Self-Esteem
A high-value woman understands her worth beyond her appearance. She regularly takes inventory of her successes and strengths and never engages in negative self-talk. Learn to respect yourself and settle for nothing less than what you deserve. Be comfortable in your skin, spend time in your own company, and don’t be afraid to end a relationship that is going nowhere. A high-quality woman stands for her values and expects the same of others. When people don’t meet her standards, men or women, she gets rid of them.
2. Speak Your Mind

She has opinions and thoughts and speaks up if she doesn’t agree with someone. While well-mannered, she doesn’t worry about displeasing people. She understands that what she has to say is as important as the next person. She’s not afraid to say “no” as she knows that standing for what she believes in commands respect.
3. Be Compassionate and Empathetic
A high-value woman is inherently warm. Be courteous and generous, and emotionally invest in quality relationships! Try being more altruistic and helping others improve their lives. A high-quality woman is a patient and active listener who doesn’t pass judgment and accepts people as they are.
4. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Vulnerable
Know that vulnerability does not equal weakness. In fact, the ability to be honest and vulnerable are cherished traits. She can be emotionally fearless in order to connect with a man on a deep and intimate level – even when it might bring pain and disappointment. When she does connect, she has no problem setting healthy boundaries.
5. Live With Passion

A high-value woman knows she’s in charge of her happiness and will pursue what she loves with energy and passion. Any challenges she might face only motivate her to do better – to rise to the occasion with gusto and joy. She will never give up the things she loves to be with a man!
6. Have Your Own Life
She’s her own person with her own hobbies, interests, and friends. She isn’t needy with men. Rather, she’s confident enough to give them the space to have their own lives because she knows they are lucky to have her. She believes in autonomy, independence, and self-sufficiency, knowing that’s what a high-quality man also values.
7. Strive for Emotional Maturity
A high-value woman doesn’t play games, manipulate, or string men along. She responds to texts, answers phone calls, and tells the truth. Know that you are special and don’t need to prove it to anyone else. High-quality women possess emotional intelligence and high self-esteem and take responsibility for their life and relationships. She only associates with high-value men and can set healthy boundaries when one is lucky enough to connect with her romantically.
8. Always Be a Lady
She’s not afraid to be soft and understands she can be powerful while also being ladylike. She knows she’s sexy without flaunting her sexuality and can express her beauty with charm and grace. Build integrity, be respectful of others, and practice restraint! There is a time and place for everything. High-quality women embrace passion and femininity and understand the value of being kind and courteous to others – because their true beauty comes from within.
9. Practice Self Care

A high-value woman is committed to good health and self-love. She is a well-rounded person, always trying to learn and grow. Take care of your appearance! Always make time for yourself, understanding the importance of living a balanced life – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
10. Love Your Life
A high-value woman loves her life! She might want a man, but she doesn’t need one. It is important to be happy by yourself. Learn to make decisions based on what’s important to you. Live a life of purpose and meaning. A high-quality woman finds well-being, self-worth, and fulfillment by staying true to her values and ambitions.
She is absolutely wonderful because she’s you!
Read More:
Squash Your Self-Critic with Meditation. Increase Mindfulness and Gratitude.