Trains, Planes, Boats, Buses and Bicycles = Germany:
If you haven’t been to Berlin, Germany, put it on your bucket list. I loved Berlin. Not only is it a beautiful city, but it’s a healthy city with big fabulous parks and bicycle lanes on all roads – with people – lots of them – actually using them.I suggest that your first day in Berlin you should get a guide and tour by car, bus or bicycle to get the lay of the city before you venture out on your own. Many of the main sights are close together so if you like to walk, it’s super pleasant to just stroll around and ogle the sights. Some of the buses are “hop on, hop off” – a great way to get around.
The River Spree has many touring boats – we took a relaxing 3 hour ride around the city and were amazed at the spectacular architecture all along the route. Tip: most of the boats are pretty big with 2 levels and no canopy on the top where the views are the best, so if it’s sunny, bring a hat and an umbrella. Of course you can sit underneath where it is more like a restaurant, but the views are best up top. All of the big boats have restrooms, bars and waiters who can serve you drinks and snacks on both levels.

There’s an awesome new major train station, the Hauptbahnhof, in the heart of the city making side trips to Potsdam or Dresden a snap. The station is a shopping mecca in and of itself and very easy to find your train platform and your car.
Make reservations before you go – your hotel concierge can help. You will get both a paper reservation and a paper ticket – confusing if you don’t know how to read which is which, but you don’t want to get thrown off the train if you don’t have the right one!
I know all you Prime Women will love Berlin. Happy travels.