
You May Want To Take Up Rowing—Here’s Why

If you've been considering rowing, now's the time. Let's review the benefits and how it can strengthen our hearts and bodies.
benefits of rowing

When Theresa Domitrovic, 57, was invited by a friend to try a rowing class, she wasn’t too excited. In fact, she remembers trying to get out of going and opting for another fitness plan. But she went, and to her surprise, she really enjoyed the class after experiencing the benefits of rowing. So much so that she told her husband that he needed to give it a try. Domitrovic says, “Normally, my husband is slow to commit to things. But after our first rowing class ended, he said, ‘We have to join this place!’ We both liked the workout so much.”

Why You Should Try Rowing

Indoor rowing has gained popularity as a mode of fitness in recent years. Michelle Parolini, Master Coach for Row House, explains, “Indoor rowing engages 85% of the muscles in your body. It’s an efficient cardio workout; it builds strength, burns calories, and improves posture. Rowing benefits beginners as well as accomplished athletes.”

It might surprise people that the rowing stroke is primarily about using leg muscles and not arms. Parolini explains, “Many people mistakenly believe that rowing is about ‘pulling’ from the arms, but it’s really about ‘pushing’ from the legs. Proper rowing is 60% legs, 30% core, and only 10% arms.”

Because rowing engages both the leg’s big muscles and the core, it translates to a higher calorie burn than the same amount of time spent cycling. The fluid strokes make it an intense cardio workout. Domitrovic says, “Even though I was an avid spinner, I was surprised how low my endurance was when I began rowing.” In addition to cardio, Parolini says, “Rowing strengthens and protects the lower back, opens the hips, and stretches the entire body while also building muscle.”

The Health Benefits Of Rowing

Two female rowers on a lake, workout, nature

Rowing is an excellent cardio exercise that strengthens the cardiovascular system, and this helps us transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.

Because rowing is a more intense workout, our hearts work harder to transport blood to the body. This may be beneficial to those who have or are at risk of heart problems, as it strengthens the heart.

I Have An Injury—Can I Still Row?

Woman on a rowing machine, workout

People with joint issues such as arthritis may find rowing a better workout than spinning or running. Parolini explains, “In rowing, you are sitting, so the workout is intense, but it’s not weight-bearing, which makes it easily sustainable.” Domitrovic and her husband have had knee issues in the past.

Domitrovic says, “I feel sore after rowing – but in a good way. My knees don’t hurt the way they did after a spin class. After two years of rowing, I am much more muscular and in better cardio shape, all without the aches in my knees I used to get when I was spinning regularly.”

The rower tends to be one of the most overlooked pieces of equipment in most full-service gyms. This may be because people either don’t understand the benefits of rowing or because clients aren’t always trained on how to use the rower properly. It’s essential to use fluid strokes, with an emphasis on the legs doing the work and not the arms. Domitrovic says. “It’s a pretty easy learning curve, but there are little things you need to be paying attention to. Even after two years of rowing, we are continuing to learn new things and improving our form.”

Is Rowing A Supplemental Workout?

benefits of rowing

Indoor rowing can be a full-body workout or part of circuit-training-type classes. Domitrovic and her husband choose to mix it up. She says, “We like varying the workouts to keep it interesting and challenging. Our rowing studio has 6 or 7 different varieties of classes. Some days, we will do 45 minutes of rowing. On other days, we will do a Pilates and rowing mix.”

While there are rowing studios and classes, there are plenty of rowing machines available for home usage. Domitrovic says, “Rowers range in price, but you can find a good one for $1000 or less. Look for one that is sturdy with an easily adjustable seat and foot stretcher. If you have space concerns, look for a model that can fold up for easy storage.”

One of the best parts about rowing is that it meets the people where they are in terms of fitness level. Parolini explains, “I have students who have never worked out or who have lower back issues or other problems that make working out painful. Rowing is good for anyone at any level.” Domitrovic likes that there is a mix of people of different abilities at her studio. She says, “Rowing draws a unique group of people. Some are very athletic, while others are overweight or have underlying medical issues. But we can all take the same class together at our own pace and motivate one another.”

At-Home Rowing Machines

Sunny Health and Fitness Rowing Machine
Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Rowing Machine, $219
Topiom Water Rowing Machine, $699.99
Topiom Water Rowing Machine, $699.99
MERACH Bluetooth Magnetic Rower
MERACH Bluetooth Magnetic Rower, $259.99

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