How to Contour for a more beautiful you!



How to Contour for a more beautiful you!

Facial Contour

A technique in which makeup enhances and shapes the facial structure.

Which contour shade to use?

It’s best to use shades of brown that are matte in color. I would recommend using a cream foundation or powder that is four times darker than your skin color.

Lighter colors will highlight and make objects come forward. On the other hand, darker colors will cause objects to push back, recede, and look less pronounced.

Contour shades should be matte; avoid shimmer. Shimmery colors will likely highlight areas that you want to conceal.

Contour Tools to use

It’s best to use a contoured and stiffer brush rather than a big fluffy one.

How to Contour

Apply the deeper cream foundation or powder around the temples of your forehead, under your cheekbones, and on the areas of the nose that you want to outline or define.

When it comes time to try it out on your own, remember that light enhances, pronounces, and highlights – and dark decreases, recedes, and pushes back, you will master contouring! 

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