
Design for Life: An Architect’s 12 Rules for Vibrant Living

If you want to continue on your path of vibrant living by aging in place, here are some tips that can help you attain that goal.
Aging in place feature

Every day brings opportunities to enhance our lives, at least up to a point, for many people that we know. My architecture practice, however, has shown me a different kind of story, one that often emerges when people start thinking about life after retirement. Those opportunities, once embraced, become overshadowed by mixed emotions and resignation. So, I tell my clients who are choosing to live in place (often called aging in place) or build their retirement home: Let joy be your guide in preparing for the future.

When I started my practice, the future seemed like an open field with nothing yet standing on it. What would I create? I wasn’t sure. Over time, as I listened to my clients, the answers began to take shape.

couple golfing

One set of clients, Ann and John, purchased a lot near a golf course but far from the family that they loved inviting for holiday celebrations. Another client, Cindy, was considering moving into an assisted living center but dreaded giving up her garden. What Ann, John, and Cindy had in common, I realized, was the idea that they must give something up in order to brace themselves for growing older. They equated age with “giving up” for one simple reason: They were not prioritizing. Ann and John put access to the golf course on par with having their extended family come over for dinner. Cindy was willing to replace the garden she loved with access to a healthcare professional, “just in case.”

My approach is collaborative, so once I became aware of these imbalanced trade-offs, we could envision alternatives to allow aging in place: Ann and John would need a spare bedroom and a generous family room, so those annual festivities became destination vacations for their children and grandchildren instead. Cindy moved access to nature to the top of her list and was willing to be flexible in how she got help in the future, should the need arise.

Thanks to my clients, I developed a design not only for their homes but also for my own life. Just as those of us in business would never sit around and wait for the phone to ring, we should never wait until things fall apart in our home or our health and then throw in the towel on what we love to do.

So, my 12 Rules that I’ll share with you are as follows:

1. Create a “lifelong home.”

Remember that good solutions can work at many stages of life. A wider doorway will accommodate both a baby stroller and a wheelchair. The popular open floor plan will make life easier and possibly enable you to stay in your home for more years than you thought possible.

2. Plan for living in place, not aging in place.

When thinking about retirement today, that often means traveling and playing golf. “Aging with dignity is for an older generation,” a recent retiree told me. It applies to some, but many retirees are ready to start a new business, a nonprofit, or a world tour.

3. Thou shalt not sacrifice aesthetics for function.

Approach your remodeling projects with a long-range view. Choose designs and materials now that will also attractively and invisibly accommodate your future needs.

4. Embrace your community.

Playing cards

For some, this means joining a new community in a residential center; for others, it’s remaining a part of their longtime community; and for others, it’s finding a community where their children live.

5. Start with what you love to do as you make your plans for the future.

If you host a family gathering or club meeting once a month, keep doing it. Even most assisted living centers have a party room or family room.

6. Keep doing what gives you joy.

Woman gardening

If you love nature, build that into your plans. Even if you are downsizing your accommodations, you can still live expansively because we all continue to grow and evolve every day of our lives.

7. Keep the money in the family.

Hold on to the money you’ve worked for your whole life. Do this by planning for the future, and know that there are many possible futures that you can create while still retaining your wealth.

8. Increase the value of what you have.

Done right, preparations for living in place will actually increase the value of your home.

9. Give yourself more alternatives by starting early.

Take time to explore all your options so you can choose the best ones for you. The future holds many possibilities; it is not one size fits all.

10. Consider ‘Futuristic’ technology and transport because it’s here and now.

Elderly technology aging in place

This may be for you or an elderly loved one. For instance, it is possible to remotely monitor a loved one who needs constant assistance or oversight with their medication. Investigate how technology could work for you and enable aging in place.

11. Choose a long-range strategy versus a short-term fix.

Figure out what would be sustainable for you and make thoughtful changes. If you have a plan, you can phase in adaptations toward a comfortable and well-supported future.

12. Start now.

Pretty self-explanatory… why keep putting off until tomorrow what you can do today? Make a plan, and get to work putting it into action. After all, there’s no time like the present. 

Read Next:

Home Alone: My Aging Plan

It’s Never Too Late to Plan For Retirement

What Is the Difference Between a Retirement Home and a Nursing Home?


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