
New Year’s Resolutions Reinvented for 2017

New Year's Goals

Forget New Year’s resolutions. Instead, develop your personal New Year’s goals for 2017 – and the rest of your life! Here’s how.

New Year's Goal BookThe 2017 Goal Book Journal I ordered arrived last week. I now need to spend about 90 minutes customizing it for me and laying it out for 2017. After over 25 years of keeping a goal book and regularly monitoring it, I know I have accomplished far more than I would have without it. It has also helped me balance my life and activities.

The New Year’s goals are divided into 6 categories: Financial, Spiritual, Social, Intellectual, Physical and Family. You can define each category for yourself, but here are some examples{

Financial could include annual savings, portfolio size, charitable giving. Spiritual could include frequency of times to attend religious services, meditate, or attend personal improvement workshops. Intellectual could be courses to attend, and books to read. Physical, could be weight and fitness goals.  Social could be frequency to entertain friends, and new friends to meet. Family could be activities to schedule with  family, number of contacts, and vacation.  This is your life, so tailor the goals to you.

Write your New Year’s goals for each of the six categories starting three years out, December 31, 2019. Then continue two years out, one year, six months and three months (March 21, 2017).  An example is included. Your tendency will be to start with the three month goal, but don’t. By starting three years out, it will help you be more realistic and mindful of each goal.

Here’s how it works. Let’s take one goal area, such as Intellectual. Three years out, December 31, 2019, write your goal for what you want to accomplish intellectually. It may be to read 50 books over that time frame, complete an educational goal, or learn a new language or new skill.  Then, write what you want to accomplish intellectually in two years, by December, 2018, and continue for the next year, six months and three months.

At the beginning of each month, write a couple of items that will help you toward the goal you want to accomplish. Each week write your weekly goals. Several days a week, as you have time, write what you want to accomplish that day. THIS IS NOT A TO DO LIST.

The last and final step is to record your accomplishments throughout the month. Also, regularly keep a Gratitude page and write down situations or people for whom you are grateful.

Don’t beat yourself up because you have not accomplished all of the New Year’s goals you established. Remember, this is not a dress rehearsal. The idea is to measure progress, not perfection.

The Journal I have used is “The Power of the Mastermind.” I ordered mine from Renaissance Unity (formerly Church of Today.) I have to customize it for my use, but I like the size of the journal, quality of paper and the fact it is laid out monthly and daily. You can also try this planner to help you outline your New Year’s goals.

Remember: New Year’s goals not written are just wishes, like resolutions. Writing and monitoring your goals regularly will make a difference in your life. May 2017 be the “Best Year of Ever” for you.


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