
How to Marry Rich

If marrying rich is your goal, keep on reading. It is possible! One of the biggest obstacles in how to marry rich is the law of attraction. So how does one attract an affluent individual? To be honest, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist, but there has to be some sort of chemistry and strategy involved.  On the other hand, if you’re beautiful and lucky, then perhaps your best friend can introduce you to a Prince. You just can’t sit on your sofa, twiddle your thumbs and wait for someone to show up on your doorstep. Otherwise, you will have to do some work!

How to Marry Rich After 50

couple on a boat - how to marry rich


Certainly, physical appearance draws attention and usually plays an important role in the catch. So have you looked in the mirror lately? Do you like what you see? Are you marrying-rich-type material? Great! You’ve got the look, and you’re dressed for the part. Can you blend in with the elite and hold an engaging conversation at charity events or other special occasions, or do you stick out like a sore thumb? If you’ve mastered that part, then where do you go?


  • Golf courses
  • Yacht clubs
  • Charity events
  • Sporting events
  • Weddings
  • Grand openings of new businesses
  • Business networking events
  • Community stakeholder events

Start with your own network and let them know you are interested in going to one of the above venues. You should also make it clear that you are looking to meet someone to date and eventually marry. (You would likely not divulge the fact that you were looking to marry a rich man unless they were a very close friend!) Do make your intentions known that you would like to get married. There is power in being intentional and letting your network of friends know it.


It is very important to listen carefully to the conversations taking place. Listen far more than you speak. You’ll gain valuable information that will help you in your quest. Be careful about trying to share too many accolades. If the man is interested, he will ask you questions about yourself. Better to be modest in talking about yourself even if you are highly accomplished. Most everyone enjoys talking about themselves. Ask questions, and if you are knowledgeable on the topic at hand, that knowledge will show in the questions you ask. There is nothing more flattering than making a man (or woman) feel they are interesting. If he’s interested in you, there will be lots of time later for him to learn about you.


Remember that there are others competing for the same thing because they too want to secure a rich spouse. Above all, be the lady that you are, whether that’s witty, classy, funny, etc. Just be yourself and that will either be enough or he’s just not the right man.

Show Me the Money

Money often attracts money. But opposites attract too! Just because you aren’t a millionaire doesn’t mean that you can’t marry rich. What you have to offer could enhance monetary security if you show that person you are trustworthy. Every millionaire or billionaire wants someone they can trust. Inner beauty, brains and trust are awesome weapons!

Other Riches

happy couple - how to marry rich

I’m sure all would agree that marrying rich would be awesome. It would offer financial stability. But marrying rich can also be viewed from a totally different perspective. Have you ever considered that “marrying rich” could simply mean being able to enjoy the everyday richness of other characteristics from your mate? How about rich in consideration, flexibility, eagerness, kindness, faith and knowledge?

Considerate: He is considerate with your thoughts and opinions, and he is eager to listen. This is rich because it shows he cares.

Flexible: He’s willing to change his itinerary to attend an affair with you, knowing that he prefers not to go but does it for you.

Eager: He’s eager to introduce you to the world, even if you are not all dolled up. Although this may annoy you, it shows he loves you just the way you are. This is priceless!

Kind: Kindness and generosity go a long way. Anyone willing to share their heart and go the extra mile is a jewel.

Faith: If your faith is important to you, his faith may be the richest characteristic he could have and worth more to you than any monetary wealth.

Knowledge: If the individual is smart, then two smart individuals is wealth in itself. Knowledge is power, and it can make you rich!

Many women have longed to live out their dream of getting married. Some have accomplished that dream, and others are still waiting after 50. If you are still on the waiting list to get married, then don’t give up. You never know when it’s your turn to say, “I do” and plan that wedding!


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