
3 Online Dating Mistakes That Keep You From Finding Love

3 Online Dating Mistakes

Mistake #1: Posting Pictures That Don’t Attract Men

To be successful with online dating as a woman over 50, you’ll want pictures that make you stand out from the crowd. Men are visual and you have exactly 10 seconds to get his attention. That’s why it’s so important to have really good pictures.

Consider hiring a photographer to help you. Just don’t make them too corporate looking. Casual works best. Smart phones take amazing pictures these days. Just be sure to turn on the flash. It’s a great filler for fine lines and wrinkles.

Men are wildly attracted to your smile. You come across as open and warm. If you’re not smiling, don’t use the picture. Also make sure you’re facing the camera. I’ve seen women post pictures of themselves looking off to the right or left. He needs to see your full face. And that leads me to this tip. NO sunglasses. A man wants to see your eyes.

Be sure to post at least one close up of your face and one full body shot. I know when you see your flaws every day in the mirror; you worry about how a man will react to a full body shot. Be honest about how you look. Why? Because you want a man in your life who loves you for who you are. Keep in mind that men love women of all shapes and sizes!!

One last thing about pictures…wear clothes that show off your best assets but are not overly sexy. Otherwise, you’re giving off the signal “I’m looking for a booty call, not a relationship.”

Mistake #2: Revealing Past Relationship Troubles In Your Profile

Whether you like it or not, you are marketing yourself when online dating. Gear your profile to what a man is thinking and that is, “What does this woman have to offer me?”

Often women start their profiles with a list of their best qualities. An example of this is…I’m a kind-hearted, professional woman who likes to travel, be around water, shop, and go to movies. This sentence gives a man a lot of information about you. But there’s nothing in the sentence that draws him in or gets his attention.

Here’s an example of how you can turn this around. I’m a kind, intelligent woman with an open heart I’d love to share with that special man. Some of my favorite activities are traveling, shopping and going to movies. (Want to share my popcorn with me?)

Can you see how this is flirty and fun and how it might draw a man in?

Now moving on to describing the man you’d like to meet. Here’s an example of what not to write. “I’m seeking a man who is truly interested in working on a relationship and is willing to give at least 50% to it.”

Beware…this type of sentence is a HUGE RED FLAG!! When a man reads it, he’s thinking you’re still bitter about a man from your past who didn’t give much to you or the relationship. You may not realize just how much your profile reveals about you that men pick up on right away.

Mistake #3: Not Playing or Flirting With Men Online

Most women over 50 approach online dating like it’s a chore to check off on their to-do list. They’re not having fun because they’re not sure how to play and flirt with men online.

So how do you flirt? Keep emails short, sweet and fun. You don’t want an email relationship so keep these exchanges to a maximum of 5-10 emails each. Ask him fun questions about his day or his profile so he has something to write back to you.

If he asks you a serious question about life or your day, DON’T write your answers out in an email. Instead playfully lead him to the phone by saying something like, “I’d love to answer your questions but it would be a lot more fun to share them on the phone where I can hear your voice. What do you think?” BTW…if he says, “NO, I want to get to know you by email first;” I’d recommend MOVING ON.

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