
5 Things Women Crave in Female Friendships

We all seek out meaningful female friendships, but what, specifically, are we looking for? It turns out it can be boiled down to 5 simple things.
Friends laughing and talking sitting at home on the sofa

What special connection do you look for in a new friendship? We all long for friendships, but what makes a great friendship? 

Before getting started, let me say that in my sixty-something years of life, I have realized that the friendships I need the most are not necessarily with women I grew up with in my childhood days. I know many current friendships out there stem from grade school and are still going strong, and that’s great, but at the same time, many of us grow up and apart—and that’s okay too. Our priorities change, family life changes us, and so does society. It’s like any relationship—we grow apart and must move along.

What’s the most important thing to you within a friendship? Might it be something you both have in common, or perhaps you look for friendships that support one another? Do you know what women love the most? Here are five things women crave in a friendship that might surprise you.

The Benefits of Female Friendships

Shot of a mature group of friends standing together during a day out on the beach

Is there something you’ve always wanted but haven’t found the time to do? I say, do it NOW! If it’s a retreat, do it! If it’s money holding you back, save your pennies or use that credit card. It will do you good…I promise! When I seek something I love to do, I look for one of my female friends to do it with me. Though I am a solo traveler, for the most part, whenever I can, I grab a friend to come along.

Here are things every woman needs and craves when it comes to female friendship.

1. The Ability To Laugh Together

a Day at the Beach Is Ideal for female friendships

I love to laugh, don’t you? Being with girlfriends where you can laugh at brainless things makes your energy flow and makes you feel good. It’s incredible how you feel after a good laugh.

2. Sharing Things In Common

Book a weekend at a scrapbook retreat or something else you like, an art camp, yoga retreat…or better yet, go alone and meet new friends. It wasn’t until I was invited to a scrapbooking party that I fell head over heels for it. But none of my current friendships had any idea what scrapbooking was. So, finding women with something in common is enormous for your soul.

Another example is when I wanted to go to a yoga retreat. I googled “yoga retreat in Texas,” and one came up near me. I went alone the first time, returned twice, and took a different girlfriend each time. It was a bit of fresh air for my friends and me. I did meet other women here, but they were with their own group, so I chose to return and bring a friend who I knew would love it as much as I did.

3. In-Depth Conversation

With texting, Facebook messaging, Instagramming, etc., who needs to talk on the phone these days? Wrong. We crave a real voice, especially from a good friend that knows us well – someone to tell our darkest secrets to. Call a friend today or perhaps your sister, and I bet it will extend your life and make you happier.

4. A Partner for Healthy Habits

Group of women with different ages and ethnicities having fun taking selfie while walking in foggy forest - Adventure and travel people concept

We may love our sweets and carbs, but in moderation, right? We want to exercise, but sometimes we need that nudge. It’s nice to have friends who feel the same way about their health as you do. Find that neighbor and go for a walk. Find a friend to talk to about health and share ways to stay healthy. But it goes both ways: if you want to lose weight, but one of your friends doesn’t want to, that might not be a good combination. Keep that friend for other activities. 

5. Mutual Support

I’m constantly letting my friends know how proud I am of them and congratulating them on their accomplishments. Have you ever had that friend that doesn’t do this for you? I have. This type of friendship may not fit you well, and you must move on.

This is a pet peeve of mine. Have you ever had a friend that does all the talking and never listens to you? Oh, I know they are out there. I have a current friend that did this, but after five days of spending time with her, I confronted her about it, and she didn’t even realize she was doing it. Because I spoke up, we are still friends, and our conversations are much better. Don’t be afraid to let your friend know how you feel instead of ending the friendship.

Lastly, be happy. Find friends that make you happy. Book that retreat. Whatever it may be, do it now. Do it with your girlfriends. Chances are they are craving the same thing you are.

Read More:

The Meaning of Friendship: Small Circle, Big Support

Can Older Women Have a Platonic Friendship?

All My Friends Are Toxic—Or Are They?


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