
Easy In-Flight Exercises to Prevent Travel Health Risks

In Flight Exercises to Prevent Travel Health Issues

Be it globetrotting wanderlust, exotic vacations or family celebrations, the fresh air and sunshine of spring beckons travel. Flying to your destination can be a fun part of your getaway, but the fatigue, muscle stiffness, swelling and even blood clots that accompany long flights can ruin your big adventure before it even gets started. Plus, sitting on a plane for hours can get boring quickly. Fortunately, you can pass the time and reduce your travel health risks by practicing these easy in-flight exercises.

So, how do you avoid health risks while traveling? Tips from the experts:

Keep yourself comfortable!

“Begin by dressing comfortably,” suggests Dr. Angela Bagnulo, D.C., Chiropractor with Performance Medicine & Sports Therapy. “You will always need a sweater or light jacket for changing cabin temps, but you can also fold it for use behind your lower back for extra support.”

Dr. Bagnulo also recommends a neck pillow to prevent forward-craning neck pain and awkward sleeping positions. You can also try out natural eye drops and a facial spritz, such as Evian or chamomile, which will refresh and revive you.

It can be hard to find the right travel neck pillow that works for you. In my experience, the TRTL Travel Pillow provides the neck support I need and prevents me from slumping over on some stranger sitting next to me. I couldn’t fall asleep on an airplane for my entire life until I found this pillow!

TRTLE Travel Pillow prevent travel health risks
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Easy In-Flight Exercises to Prevent Muscle Strain and Improve Circulation

Also, Bagnulo warns that your neck muscles can strain and tighten while chatting with your seat neighbor. “Be sure to take breaks often to rotate your head in the opposite direction. Also, while sitting, do ankle circles in one direction and then another, bend and straighten your legs, and lift and lower your knees to aid in blood circulation.”

Combat Blood Clots and Dehydration

All experts seem to agree that lack of blood circulation should be of great concern to all passengers. Deep Vein Thrombosis, or DVT, is a blood clot that forms deep in your vein. These blood clots usually develop in the leg and can be quite dangerous, advises Herbert DuPont, M.D.. He is a specialist in travel medicine and Director of the Center for Infectious Diseases at the University of Texas School of Public Health.

Another problem that can contribute to DVT and fatigue while traveling is dehydration. Long travel days can easily dehydrate us, and we often drink less water amid the hustle and stress. Those tiny airplane cups aren’t very hydrating!

“Combat dehydration by drinking water, and lots of it. And as a bonus, by drinking more water you make more trips to the bathroom, encouraging movement down the aisle. In addition, avoid crossing legs at the ankles or knees, and change positions often. All help prevent DVT,” says Dr. DuPont.

How to Perform These Easy In-Flight Exercises and Tips:

Prevent Health Issues While Traveling

Prior to boarding, buy a large bottled water to consume when the attendants are not accessible.

To help prevent fatigue, muscle tightening and DVT, try these easy in-flight fitness moves:

  • Shoulder Rolls: In your seat, take a deep breath. As you exhale, do full-circle shoulder rolls. Try doing a few sets forward and back.
  • Arm Stretches: Stretch each arm reaching fingertips to the ceiling as if to adjust the air flow or turn on the light.
  • Head Rotations: Rotate your head from side to side and in full circles.
  • Ankle Circles: Take turns rotating your ankles clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • Leg Stretches: If you have enough room, bend and straighten your legs. Lift and lower your knees to help blood circulation.
  • Pelvic Tilts: Why not use this time to do a few quiet pelvic tilts; you recall those infamous kegels from the past, right?
  • Get up and stretch your legs in the aisle on the way to the bathroom. Give yourself a fresh facial spritz if you have any!

Now, just in time for the final approach, you’re feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. With the plane now in the gate, stand up, engage your core, and take a final stretch to reach that bag in the overhead.

Bicep curls await you in baggage claim!


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