
Navigate Your Beauty

Smart and Safe Plastic Surgery Solutions by Rod J. Rohrich, M.D. and Mary Crosland:

I always read the testimonials on the back of books to see who is recommending them and what they have to say. Supermodel Jerry Hall wrote one for this book telling readers that they were in safe hands with Dr. Rohrich, an internationally prominent plastic surgeon and Chair of University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Department of Plastic Surgery, but another written by a cosmetic surgeon in Miami caught my eye because it said, “Navigate Your Beauty is the new GPS for Consumers to lead them through the maze of information about plastic surgery and guide them toward successful outcomes with the right plastic surgeon.”

Dr_Rod_J_RohrichAfter I read “Navigate Your Beauty,” I thought to myself, “Yep, that is a great description of this book by one of Dallas’s best known plastic surgeons and a business woman who has made beauty her business. Ms. Crosland is also a well informed consumer of rejuvenation procedures herself. The first question it asks is “do you really need plastic surgery?” If the answer is yes, then this work is full of useful advice on how to select the right plastic surgeon employing The 3 Magic Questions. These help you evaluate a surgeon’s Experience, Expertise, and Results. The right physician for you will be “amiable, available and able,” and also “caring, compassionate, and completely empathetic.” The importance of certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is stressed multiple times.

Mary_CroslandOne chapter talks to you about skin care and the use of Medical Grade Skin Care Products vs. Cosmetic Grade Items. (See our interview with Dr. Rohrich and Mary Crosland for explanations of these terms and an itemization of the 3 Magic Questions.) Dr. Rohrich talks about possible procedures in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s.

The book also provides you with a ten point check list to cover with the potential surgeon. This will help you be adequately prepared for your first consultation with each doctor that you are considering for the procedure(s). Navigate Your Beauty encourages you to interview several physicians to make sure that you find a person that you are really happy with. This may be elective, but it is still surgery and they are risks involved.

Navigate Your Beauty covers the most common procedures being performed today and tells you what to expect. It goes from fillers using your own fat to injecting Botox. Next it covers rhinoplasties (nose jobs), breast enhancements, liposuction and body contouring to facelifts, neck lifts and beyond. You learn how to prepare for both the surgery itself and the post operative/recovery period. You also read about the importance of a surgical companion or someone to help you immediately after surgery and beyond.

After you have read the book, and I highly recommend it if you or someone you are close to is contemplating plastic surgery, I believe you will see how on target the GPS description is. It is a great reference to have on hand, and you will be fascinated by Dr. Rohrich’s before and after photos. Check out the one on page 8. What an amazing result! It makes me want to schedule whatever she had right away!



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