
Are You an Influencer? Determining Your “Social Score”

Are You an Influencer

Modern marketing agencies are looking to social media now more than ever as the platform for brand visibility. As a variety of social media platforms expand the reach of their social advertising, professionals across any industry must focus their resources on the methods that best leverage a platform oriented toward open discussion. One option for increasing the awareness of unique messaging is to utilize influencer marketing: the process of using key thought-leaders as channels for the distribution of your brand.

Influencer Marketing

Known as influencer marketing, this form of promotion involves identifying and enlisting industry members who have high-credibility and a large audience to spread your message to the masses. Their voice is often seen as third-party to your business and therefore garners additional trust. The result of this is a type of referral program where a single person is recommending your brand to thousands. In fact, 85% of B2B decision-makers look to industry influencers as a way to support their choice of purchase.

Influencer marketing, however, involves the use of a middle man, a person aside from your organization speaking for your brand. The alternative is to build your own personal brand to the point that you are an influencer. In order to accomplish this status, you will need to understand and improve your social score. Social scoring is the measurement of what, when, and how you interact with your connections and audience on your social media platforms.

The Klout Score

There are several resources available for determining your social score, but the most widely utilized and accepted metric is the Klout Score. Founded in 2012, Klout analyzes over 12 billion signals (ratios and percentages based on published vs. shared content) to rate your collective interactions on a scale from 1-100, with 100 being highly influential to your audience. The simplified formula Klout researchers utilize is the amount of content you post, multiplied by the number of channels you post to, multiplied again by the number of follower interactions you have across those platforms. The result is concrete, statistical data on how wide your reach and brand visibility is within your industry and network.

Boosting Your Social Score and Brand Visibility

Improving your social score is similar to building your personal brand. Identify thought-leaders in your industry who are both authorities and competitors to determine what messaging will receive positive engagements. Adopt the methods and channels that are most beneficial, and develop a strategy for how best to tailor your own message to differentiate yourself to your audience. Create a plan to consistently and effectively manage several social media accounts in order to expand your range across the primary influencer platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Adapt to new channels, mediums, and methods in order to keep your social score on the rise.

If working with another influencer is not for you, be your brand’s influencer. Boost your social score to the point that other members of your industry look to your social media accounts for guidance and recommendations to increase their brand visibility. Remember, no one can advocate for your brand better than you! Check out 3 Inside Secrets to Social Media Success.





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