
Add a Little Glam to Your Lashes This Holiday Season

Ardell Lashes Feature

Dazzle your friends and colleagues this holiday season by boosting your eyelashes in a festive, flirty way! There are many kinds of lashes and each will create a different look. You can choose from wispy, natural, voluminous, winged, opaque or adorned with feathers and/or crystals. Prices can range from $4-$75 depending on the quality of the hair and the additional add-ons of jewelry. Some are over-the-top and great for an extravagant occasion, and others are more natural and perfect for a little added glam. Here are different types of Ardell lashes and instructions on how to put them on.

Individual Lashes

Individual Lashes

Ardell Double Up Individuals, $5.99

Ardell is a popular brand. These Ardell lashes come in short, medium and long.

Strip Lashes

Ardell Lash Wispies

Ardell Lash Wispies 12 Piece Pack, $39.99

These are individual lashes on one strip. With the many varieties in strip lashes, you will certainly find a suitable choice.

Magnetic Lashes

Ardell Magnetic Lashes

Ardell Magnetic Lash Demi Wispies, $13.99

Ardell Magnetic Lash Applicator

Ardell Magnetic Lash Applicator, $2.49

This is a revolutionary concept by Ardell that uses magnets rather than glue to hold them in place. You can use these Ardell lashes again too!

Eyelash Extensions

Extensions are individual eyelashes that are attached to your own lashes semi-permanently. They are available in different hair types and lengths. While they can last up to a month, the problem is when you take them off, your own lashes are weakened or pulled out. I do not recommend them unless you have extraordinarily thick and strong eyelashes.


DUO Lash Adhesive

DUO Strip Lash Adhesive, $3.59

Except for the magnetic application above, eyelashes are all attached with glue. I recommend DUO glue. It comes in clear, dark and extra hold. I prefer the dark glue as it acts like an eyeliner and enhances the lashline.

How to Apply the Lashes

I highly recommend having a professional apply the lashes. However if you decide to apply these, the strip lashes are easier to do yourself.

Squeeze the glue onto the plastic backing of the packaging to give the glue a place to sit while you are using it. Let it dry for about 30 seconds. Pick up the individual lash or strip lash carefully with tweezers so you do not bend the lash. Then hold your head back and gently place the lash into your own lashes. You will try to get the lash on top of your lashes not on your skin. Then gently press down to secure it with your fingers.

To remove the lashes, gently peel the individual or strip lash off.

So go for the extra glam, lashes will make you feel extra special for sure!

Happy Holidays and enjoy the video!


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