
Spring Cleaning for your Mind

Some of us are accustomed to doing an annual thorough spring cleaning of our entire home. We pack up our heavy winter things and store them away as we begin decluttering other areas of the home. We choose what we want to continue to hold on to and what needs to be given away.

As we slip into our comfy clothes and open the windows, we begin airing out the place. Sometimes we can’t help but reminisce on some of the precious keepsakes. They easily take us back down memory lane and cause us to share a laugh or perhaps even a tear. It can be difficult to let go when in reality, we do need to purge or minimize these items. Gradually, we begin dusting off the pieces, removing the cobwebs and rearranging the furniture to hopefully create a new feeling, allowing a new season of light to shine.

This also can prove to be very therapeutic in practicing this same process with our mind and body. We need to take time to reassess what’s cluttering our thoughts and learn how to clear our mind. The dirt we have allowed to creep in for various reasons has to be removed. As we go through decongesting those areas, we can breathe freely again and establish a new sense of purpose.

Removing the Clutter

hot to clear your mind with quiet time

When I awake each day, before I get out of bed, I read or listen to a meditation on my cell phone.  I then make it a priority to pray. This is my quiet time, and it helps to clear my mind and set a positive tone of how I’m hoping my day will go. Not always does it go as planned, but it helps eliminate some stress of knowing what’s on my laundry list for the day.

Since I still work outside the home, I allow myself ample time to drive through the highways and byways of the chaotic freeways as I sip on a wonderful cup of hot coffee. If the weather is nice, I open my window to let in the breeze, listen to an audiobook or turn on some music. I find myself either smiling from the conversation of the book or singing along to the music. Who cares if the driver in the other car is looking at me strangely? I’m creating positive energy!

Searching through the Closets

Just like I search through my closets at home, I find it necessary to search through closed spaces in my thoughts in which I need to let out. I do so by engaging in conversations with individuals that can offer positive and constructive feedback or I read. I also seek wisdom from other seasoned individuals who can relate to my experiences. Then, I take time to process what I’ve heard and learned.

Vacuuming the Crevices

vacuuming how to clear your mind

After sorting through the piles of clutter from the day and picking up the pieces,  it’s time to vacuum all my hidden areas, suck it up and move on. No one said that the suction of the weight of the world would be easy to let go, but oh, how good it feels when it’s gone!

Rearranging the Pieces

Now that I have cleaned up a few things, I’m now able to rearrange myself where I look great and feel fantastic! My subtle aches and pains aren’t so vivid. My little imperfections are neatly tucked under my body shapewear, and my fine lines and wrinkles don’t matter that much because they’re just abstract art!


Finally, after thorough cleansing, I feel great! All the extra things I had collected in the past that I thought were necessary and that I could not live without are gone. The funny thing about it is I don’t even miss them. My life is less cluttered, I can move around more freely throughout the day and I can breathe!  Are you ready to do some spring cleaning and clear your mind?


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