You may not have heard of dry skin brushing, but it’s a trending skincare procedure that’s quick, easy, and can be done at home. Dry skin brushing is just that – brushing our skin when it’s dry. Dry skin brushing has many health benefits, including removing dry, flaky skin. If you’re anything like me, you’ve found that your skin has only gotten dryer during menopause, and you might also benefit from a dry skin brushing routine.
I first learned about dry skin brushing in a book by Joy McCarthy called Joyous Detox. I met the author in Chicago when I attended a wellness conference. Joy was one of the speakers, and I was intrigued when I read about her. I immediately signed up to hear her speak, and then I loved the healthy tips she gave and how real she presented herself, so I bought her book. It wasn’t until I got home and started reading the book that I learned about dry skin brushing and its health benefits.
Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing
As our bodies mature, our skin stops renewing itself, so we have to give it a nudge. When I entered menopause, my whole world changed, and dry skin was a huge part of it …and still is. That’s why my go-to health trick is dry skin brushing. If you want to try it, find an eco-friendly dry skin brush that will exfoliate the skin, leaving it silky and smooth. You’ll also find other benefits that can positively affect your skincare regimen and overall health.
When purchasing a dry brush, you’ll find options with coarse and non-coarse bristles, so be sure to find the one right for you. I suggest buying a brush with a long handle to reach your back area.
1. Exfoliates Dead Skin Cells
First and foremost, dry skin brushing exfoliates dead skin cells and unclogs pores, which will help give you glowing skin. In my opinion, this is the number one reason many women are now doing this at home.
To do this at home and right before your shower, you’ll want to use light pressure, especially in sensitive areas such as the decolletage (front neck area). Apply more pressure on tough skin, like the heels of your feet. Brush your whole body in an upward motion, and don’t forget your back and behind your knees. After showering, rub lotion all over your body.
2. Softens The Skin
Dry brushing rejuvenates the skin for a softer feel and enhances skin texture for a smooth look. Regular exfoliation is essential because it stimulates and revives the skin, allowing it to release toxins and breathe freely. Use a good lotion afterward to keep the skin even softer.
3. Increases Circulation
This will help blood flow throughout the body and prevent fluid stagnation. Rather than exfoliating your skin under hot water from the shower, dry brushing allows you to exfoliate and increase blood circulation without removing any moisture from your body, which hot water can do. Over time, it’s often been recommended to take warm baths or showers because hot water can strip away oils, fats, and proteins that keep our skin healthy. My dermatologist told me that hot showers could cause irritation and itching skin, so I try to avoid them to keep my skin in peak condition.
4. Helps With Inflammation
Dry skin brushing can help stimulate your lymphatic system, which will help to remove product waste (toxins) from the body and help with inflammation. The lymphatic system is essential for immune health, so you’ll feel better after you start a brushing routine to eliminate toxins.
5. Can Improve Your Energy
In her book, Joy says that she dry brushes her skin daily and how energizing she feels afterward. You may want to start by brushing your skin twice weekly to see how your body reacts. When you create a new skincare treatment like this, it’s best to see how your skin will respond so you aren’t faced with more problems than you started with.
I think it’s very well possible that our lives will be a little less stressful if dry skin brushing helps with the above. I’m all in, and now I do it too, but not daily. Twice a week is good for me. Just know this technique takes time, and you won’t see an instant fix – give it at least a few weeks to see and feel a difference.
If nothing else, check out Joy’s new book, Joyous Detox. It’s all about her excellent detox plan, healthy recipes, and everything she does to be and stay fit. Dry skin brushing is high on her list.

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