
The Benefits Of Taking The Stairs Every Day

Want to boost your cardiac health? Here's why you should consider taking the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator.
Girl prepairing for workout

I recently had a long day of business travel with layovers at several airports. As I sat and waited for my flight, I observed many people coming and going and started to notice some things about how people walk. The younger crowd walks with ease; their motions are fluid and effortless. Little kids run and zigzag, jump over cracks in the floor or from square to square on the tiles; they go on and on tirelessly. The older crowd slumps, hunches, and wobbles with small, overly cautious steps. Occasionally, you’ll spot someone well into their 70s walking with relative ease at a quickened pace, but that is the exception to the rule.

At the airport, my seat in the terminal was positioned within eyeshot of two sets of escalators, one going up and one coming down, with a flight of stairs in the middle. The escalators were crammed with people while the stairs remained entirely empty, reflecting light from the ceiling fixtures like some untouchable, sacred monument.

For most people, when provided with an easier route, it is the one they will choose, even if it’s crowded and will take longer. For most of us, if we aren’t presented with evidence to support the benefits of hardship, or in this case, taking the stairs, we will most likely not do it. But what if you were to find that climbing stairs burns twice the fat in half the time than if you run? How’s that for motivation?

The Science Behind Stairclimbing’s Superior Fat Burn

A young female athlete is running up stairs.

Stair climbing engages your body’s largest muscle groups while you must lift your entire body weight up, one stair after the other. Engaging these large muscles to carry your body weight is far higher than running. Specifically, when you climb stairs, you burn twice the fat in half the time than when you’re running and three times more than walking. Knowing this brings a lot of motivation to climb stairs anytime you’re presented with an alternative, like an escalator or elevator. 

5 Important Benefits Of Taking The Stairs

Taking the stairs offers numerous physical benefits, making it a great addition to daily routines. It improves cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate, helping to lower blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart disease. Stair climbing strengthens major muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, and core, enhancing overall muscle tone and endurance. It also aids in weight management, burning calories more efficiently than walking on flat surfaces. This simple exercise boosts metabolism and improves balance, coordination, and bone density. Additionally, it’s an easy way to incorporate physical activity into a busy day, promoting long-term health and fitness.

Knowing that taking the stairs is superior for fat burning compared to walking and running, what are some other health benefits of stair climbing?

1. Climbing Stairs Helps You Lose Weight

Climbing stairs engages your body’s largest muscle groups. You use your legs and glutes to carry your own weight and lift your body, and this is a superior movement for torching calories and triggering potential fat loss.

2. Climbing Stairs Will Boost Your Mental Health

Climbing stairs is a simple yet effective way to boost mental health. It triggers the release of endorphins, the brain’s natural mood elevators, which help reduce stress and anxiety. Regular stair climbing improves cardiovascular health, increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain, which enhances cognitive function and focus. Physical activity also promotes better sleep patterns, which is essential for emotional well-being. Additionally, setting and achieving stair-climbing goals can increase self-esteem and mental resilience. This convenient exercise can be easily integrated into daily routines, offering both physical and mental health benefits without requiring special equipment or time.

3. Climbing Stairs Strengthens Your Muscles

Stair climbing strengthens your legs and glute muscles and activates your core muscles. You’ll build your hamstrings, quads, calves, and glutes. You will become stronger and improve your overall body movement. Climbing stairs targets the same muscles as squats and lunges and is an excellent alternative to a standard leg workout.

4. Climbing Stairs Improves Balance

Woman walking at stairs and carrying reusable mesh bag after shopping groceries in city. Sustainable lifestyle with zero waste and plastic free

You may find yourself using the railing to climb or descend stairs, but now is a good time to practice stairs without the help of the railing. Climbing stairs can improve balance because it requires balancing on one leg as you press down on one leg and then lift the other. Stair climbing is one of the best workouts you can do to help with balance and can help prevent falling in the future.

5. Climbing Stairs Improves Heart Health

Stair climbing burns twice the calories of walking and strengthens your heart, lungs, and muscles. It’s an easy way to weave exercise into your daily routine. If you have a set of stairs in your house, take them a few more times than you usually would. Try going up and down them twice on your way in and out of the house or from one part of your house to another. Take the extra time to do extra stairs.

If given the choice to take it easy or take the stairs, choose the stairs!

Happy and beautiful middle aged woman sitting on metallic stairs relaxing before running outdoors holding a water bottle

Your ability to climb a flight of stairs is an excellent indicator of your overall health. This simple test can be a useful indicator:

  • If you can climb four flights of steps within a minute, your cardiac muscle is likely healthy. If it takes you longer than a minute and a half to climb four flights of stairs, you may want to make an appointment to see your doctor.

You’ll always want to continue to take the stairs on purpose. The health benefits are incredible, and the improved balance and stability will benefit you throughout your entire life.

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