Cindy J. 69 LOST 5 LBS
“I did not find the 5-day Prolon fast difficult at all. The soups weren’t bad and I actually really enjoyed the tomato soup.”
Heather M. 41 LOST 8 LBS
“Thank you so much for posting this article about the Prolon 5-day fast! I was about to do one of my Ketone fasts, which is basically just drinking ketones for 3 days and sucks, but then I saw this and thought I would give it a try.”
Stephanie W. 56 LOST 6 LBS
“I have learned that I can live on less food and not snack. I didn’t really crave anything, but I will say I was hungry most of the time.”
Peggy J. 68 LOST 5 LBS
“Prolon fast sounded perfect. I really liked having the food ready with a box for each day that told me exactly what to eat.”