Living is a continual change. It begins from the time we were born. With each learning experience we are creating who we are, what we believe and how we react. We refine our preferences in career and family throughout our life. Change can be hard to manage and sometimes it seems downright impossible. Many of you may find yourself in a comfort zone that can make change harder to manage or even perhaps inconceivable.
It’s frightening to think about changing what you do or have become. You may even cringe to think how other people will accept your ideas. On the flip side of this thought, allowing yourself the freedom to open your mind to a new and different future can be liberating.
Recreating ourselves can include many aspects. It may interest you to change your career, what to do when retired, fashion style, hobbies, amusement, or maybe it’s just a decision to let yourself go grey. The point is, you have choices and aren’t obligated to do the same routine for the rest of your days.
While you may be interested in change, the actual steps to move in that direction may not be clear. If you have been toying with self-discovery and where you want to be, these seven tips on how to reinvent yourself may be helpful.
Look At Your Experience
You have created a lifetime of experiences. Some have been fulfilling, others not so much. With each experience we have learned and taken something with us for future use. You may have rich knowledge that could help someone in need of your information. A good example would be a person who has always enjoyed exercise. Over the years they have gathered a wealth of experience and may become a coach or personal trainer. They also may work with organizations in need of volunteers to teach children the benefits of exercise.
What Is Your Passion

What drives you? What do you enjoy? Is there something about your career or hobby allowing you to become so absorbed time becomes irrelevant? Are you creative, talented, good with numbers or people? Maybe you have always enjoyed cooking or love to help others with travel. Can you share what you do by teaching or make something that others want? Perhaps this talent can become a new path for your future. Finding your passion can be pivotal in creating your next self. Look for the parts of your day you enjoy, lose yourself and forget time.
Assessing Your Skills
Make a list of all your gained skills and knowledge. Compare this list to your experience and your passions. Don’t be shy. A pattern will emerge. You may see a few gaps, so look where you can fill those areas to gain the needed information to move toward your new interest.
Learning New Skills

You may fear learning new skills, but this can open so many new doors to a rewarding new self-identity. Going back to school or gaining new certifications can help you improve your knowledge and provide self-confidence as you move into new arenas. There are so many opportunities to learn new skills from community colleges to online courses. Take advantage of the ones that work within your time frame and budget.
Overcoming Your Fears
Change is difficult for most of us. It’s uncomfortable. We can have multiple fears including failure. It’s easy to give up and just go back to old habits and comfortable routines. But is this what you want and dream? Set yourself up from the start of your journey to win. Express your fears and how to overcome them. For example, you may fear the work of learning a new skill. Face this anxiety by consulting with someone who has done what you are trying to accomplish. Get the unknown out of the way by gaining as much knowledge you can from others that can provide answers to your questions.
Finding Your Discipline
Once you begin the journey to recreating a new you, it needs a commitment. It will be easy to fall back on old habits and the comfort zone you have been in for so long. Commit to a schedule to accomplish your goals within a timeline. You may have to adjust along the way but having a time attached to your goal will help keep you on track. Even a decision to let your hair go grey is a commitment and takes time to reap the look you want. Be patient.
Getting The Support You Need
Asking for help can be unsettling. But ask anyway and it may surprise you the offers of help you receive. Support from your family and friends can make your task easier and more enjoyable. You may need information, help with chores and errands or feedback from your goal setting and plans. All these items can be helpful and friends and loved ones in your life want to see you succeed. Ask and let others help you along your road to your new recreated self.
Always keep in mind and expect a few unexpected turns. As you become more confident, new ideas and doors will open for you to explore. This makes the continual effort fun. Take a few steps and see where you find yourself within the next year.
“Every day, you reinvent yourself. You’re always in motion. But you decide every day: forward or backward.” – James Altucher