
The Key to Weight Loss and Longevity

Prolon Fast

The University of Southern California Longevity Institute in L.A. is at the forefront of studies done on longevity where their scientists have been exploring the life-extending benefits of fasting-like diets for over 25 years. These extensive preclinical and clinical studies resulted in the development of the first ProLon® fasting 5-day dietary program that kick starts weight loss and, subsequently, the Fast Bar® for intermittent fasting. Prime Women was so impressed with these products we decided to partner with them to bring them to our readers at a discounted price (see offer at end of article).

The Science

L-Nutra, the creator of  ProLon® fasting and Fast Bar®, was established in 2009 with the idea that fasting with proper nutrition can improve longevity, health span, and promote overall wellbeing. L-Nutra holds the rights to the only patent in the history of healthcare on optimizing longevity and healthspan. They have pioneered nurti-technologies that mimic the effects of fasting to free the body’s natural ability to fuel and rejuvenate itself and promote longevity. 

This process of the body rejuvenating itself is called autophagy. Autophagy is a house cleaning tool the body uses to eliminate damaged, dying or dead cells that no longer function. By clearing away the “trash” left behind by the death of the cells, others that are nearby, function more efficiently. Once the old and damaged cells are gone, the body is better able to generate new ones. This is accomplished by using the energy that is generated by the autophagy or breaking down of the other cells. Autophagy occurs with fasting.

How Does ProLon Fasting Work?Prolon a fast with food

Fasting with food sounds like an oxymoron, yet that is exactly what the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet® (FMD) offers. It includes 5 days of plant-based and scientifically tested ingredients that nourish the body while it does not recognize it is eating. This fasting-with-food meal plan is low in carbohydrates and proteins and contains good fatty acids. The FMD® recipe allows your body to remain under a fasting mode even though you are consuming calories.

ProLon ingredients are primarily plant-based. It’s gluten-free and non-GMO. Included in the program, is a variety of 5 different soup flavors, sesame kale crackers, chocolate dessert bar, olives, L-drink for energy, & supplements. While your hunger likely won’t be completely satisfied in the first day or two, your body will adjust and you will be receiving the nourishment necessary to maintain your health.

While the ultimate goal of fasting is longevity, ProLon is a fat-focused weight loss program. You will lose fat (especially belly fat) while protecting lean body mass.*

Fast Bar And Intermittent FastingFast Bar a snack that won't break your fast

Fast Bar is the first bar designed specifically for intermittent fasting. A new randomized, controlled study of 105 adults who fasted for 15 hours overnight, then had glucose and ketone levels measured every hour for four hours after eating either breakfast, a Fast Bar, or just water showed that Fast Bar did not break their fast.

Prime Women has long been a proponent of intermittent fasting. Our most widely read article ever published has been Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50. In fact, we felt it was so critical to weight loss and maintaining weight loss, we made intermittent fasting a central part of our weight management program, PLATE. L-Nutra’s Fast Bar is the perfect addition to our recommendation to practice intermittent fasting for weight loss. Using the bar as a replacement for breakfast in the PLATE meal plan, allows our members to stay on a 16 hour fast with ease. 

This partnership with L-Nutra’s ProLon® and Fast Bar® is an exciting addition to Prime Women. We fully believe in their products and the science that backs them up. It is particularly rewarding to be able to offer our readers a significant discount on any products you purchase through Prime Women. 

If you want to jumpstart your fast and weight loss, order the ProLon 5 Day Fasting Mimicking Diet. In the U.S. and Canada, use Coupon Code: PRIME for $25 off your order.      Prolon coupon

If you want to try intermittent fasting or just Increase your fasting time without hunger, order Fast Bar. Use Coupon Code: PRIME for $10 off your order.Fast Bar coupon

For our U.K. readers, use PRIME for $25 off your ProLon 5 Day Fasting Mimicking Diet

*Results based on 3 consecutive monthly cycles.

This article is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor before using any products mentioned in the article or before beginning intermittent fasting.



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