Things to Do Before You Retire

If you're considering retirement, make sure you've planned ahead, so you know what to expect financially, mentally, and emotionally.

Also, make sure you and your partner are on the same page. That way you can enjoy your golden years!

A big part of retirement is being able to live on a pre-set income.

Pay Off Your Big Expenses

You want to make sure you understand exactly where all your money is, what your expected returns are each year.

Get Familiar With Your Investments

Look Into Your Employer’s Pension Plan

You want to make sure you understand the details of your pension plan before you take the leap into retirement.

Consider Consolidating Your Finances

This could result in a piecemeal retirement plan. It may be a good idea to consolidate your various retirement investments into a single fund.

You will want to make sure you are spending your time in a way that is valuable to you.

Plan Your Time

Are there any close friends you have who are also on the brink of retirement? Try talking about what you might do together with your newfound time.

Build Your Social Group

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