Susan Byrne

She landed the role of appointment secretary to the CEO of EF Hutton, not realizing that in a mere 13 years, she would find herself a CEO, overseeing her newest baby, Westwood Management Corp.

It’s a remarkable story, and we wanted to find out how she made her way to the helm of her own firm and what she thinks other women need to know to do the same.

Use humor.

It can really diffuse a situation and set a lighter tone. Things will still get done. There’s no need to be strictly serious all the time.

Be a team player.

Women have a unique way of connecting with others — use those special skills. Be a connector. Smooth things over when you need to.

Convince yourself, and others, that you can take on a new project or skill, even if you’re not perfectly qualified.

Be brave. Raise your hand.

Collaborate with other women.

Women have unique attributes. We relate to one another in a different way. Often, women feel the need to be included and connected.

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