According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it accounts for approximately one out of every four deaths.
Warning signs of heart diseases in women
Fatigue, Shortness of breath, difficulty performing tasks are major signs of heart disease in women
Which method is best to diagnose heart diseases in women?
screening will usually begin with a traditional resting echocardiogram or “Echo” In some cases, this may be followed by a stress echocardiogram,
Dr. Alvarez explains Echo works by comparing the heart to
a house
The heart muscle is the walls they can be thick or thin
The four valves of the heart are doors, allow blood to flow
The arteries serve as to transporting the blood in the body, and the conduction system is the electricity that causes your heart to beat.
Echocardiogram can identify structural cardic issues like valve disorders or functional issues like heart failure
Echocardiogram uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of chamber and valves of the heart. Performed by attaching adhesive electrodes to the chest that are hooked upto a monitor.
Painless procedure of diagnosis
If more information is needed, your doctor may ask for a cardic test. This procedure typiclly requires to be in a fasted state and refrain from medication on the day of thr test.
Don't stress the stress test
There is no recomended age for a screening stress test. Instead a screening depends on your cardiovesular risk factors. Diabetes, Hypertension, Tobacco abuse and high cholestrol are all risk factors.