Slugging It Out Over Dry Skin Care

Have you heard of slugging? Here's everything you need to know about this viral skincare practice that's designed for dry skin.

For extremely dry skin, applies a concoction of lanolin, mineral oil, or petroleum jelly, plus Lubriderm or Eucerin, right after bathing to seal in the moisture.

Skin Care for Dry Air

The idea is that you apply your nighttime skincare, then top it off with petroleum jelly and go to sleep. On your back. With a towel over your pillow.

What is Slugging?

For those with very dry skin, or with eczema, or women who are over 80, when most have dry skin, it might be beneficial.

Is Slugging Right for You?

They have heavier formulations for the body and lighter ones for the face. Creams, which have a Vaseline-like base, are good for very dry skin.

Those who don’t drink enough water risk dehydrating their skin to the point that it loses elasticity. “Water is good for your whole system.”

Can Drinking Water Cure Dry Skin?

The older I get, the more modest my skincare collection becomes. Mainly, I stick with Olivella Face & Body Soap and their olive oil moisturizer.

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