Secrets for Aging Well

My friend Jan gave me a book some twelve years ago that made a profound impact on my health and well being.

While Alternative Aging by Suzy Grant is chocked full with great ideas, there were three that really appealed to me and the science behind them supported their effectiveness.

So, here are 3 secrets to aging well:

Drink a glass of warm lemon water first thing in the morning.

Warm lemon water is a natural diuretic and toxin remover.

It will naturally cleanse the blood, kidneys, bladder, and other organs, allowing your body to more easily eliminate toxins.

Perform the Five Tibetan Rites.

The Tibetan lamas were so convinced of their ability to maintain a youthful body they named them “rites.”

Eat Flaxseed.

If you want regular bowel movements with what Suzy refers to as “the perfect poo,” then this remedy is for you.

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