Living Alone As an Older Woman Without Being Lonely

More older women are living alone than older men in the United States, whether as a result of divorce, widowhood, or by choice.

This number has decreased, however, from 79% in 1990 to 69% in 2014, mostly due to an uptick in life expectancies and more unmarried women moving in with their children.

It’s not easy, though. Here’s how you can both embrace and balance the challenges and perks of living alone.

Stay Connected with Others

Staying in touch with relatives while living alone used to be more difficult. Today, we have advanced technology that is simple to use for people of all ages.

Stay Connected with Yourself

Sometimes, living alone results from loss. While this is a time of grief and pain, it can also be a period of personal self-reflection.

Know Your Lonely Triggers & Fight Back with Fun

– Join a book club or discussion group. – Bake for yourself. – Buy some plants to care for.

– Think about owning a pet. – Take this time to reflect spiritually or religiously. – Volunteer. – Take a long bath, relax.

Again, living alone doesn’t have to be lonely, but when the feelings come, take care of yourself. Be with yourself.

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