The Health Benefits of  Vitamin D

As children, we’re taught that Vitamin D is critical for our bodies, mainly for building strong bones. But it turns out it’s good for a whole lot more than that.

Recent research shows the right amount of vitamin D can actually help lead to remarkable improvements in our health.

A patient with asthma attacks went from five or six severe exacerbations a year to just one each year over a period of several years.

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D

The NIH suggests 600 IU daily, but it also says a tolerable level would be up to 4,000 IUs daily. More than that would exceed their limits.

Refining the Daily Dose

Experts say it helps regulate immune cells to reduce inflammation and activates the ones that counteract autoimmune responses.

What Other Roles Does Vitamin D Play?

Research shows vitamin D is critical in regulating chemicals in the brain that promote the growth and survival of neurons in the cortex and hippocampus.

Vitamin D and the Brain

Sun exposure is the best way to get vitamin D, but that may be tough if you’re indoors most of the day. Taking supplements can help too.

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