The Golden Bachelor Premiered Last Night: Let’s Recap!

Last night, the Golden Bachelor made its premiere, introducing Gerry and the 22 women vying for his love. Here's what happened!

72-year-old Gerry Turner, the very first Bachelor in this new, senior version of the 21-year-old TV dating franchise, is a VERY nice-looking man!

And he seems easygoing, open to whatever life will send his way. That said, I have a feeling he may be overwhelmed by the animal intensity being launched at him by the 22 women arrayed here, hoping to attract him as a mate.

As Brian Lowry, critic for CNN Entertainment, pointed out after previewing the show, the women follow the extroverted patterns of earlier, younger women wannabes.

Edith, 60, steps from the show’s limousine wielding a pair of confetti party cannons that she and Gerry pop, releasing gold glitter everywhere.

A gray-haired woman in a shapeless dress leaves the limo using a walker, only to toss the walker, wig, and dress aside to reveal Leslie, 64, and a LOT more woman than some of us expected.

Faith, 60, a sinewy brunette, ditches the limo: She rides in on a motorcycle. April, 65, does the chicken dance, apparently going for the Miss Quirky crown, if such a thing exists.

(Lest we leave her out, Jimmy Kimmel’s 84-year-old Aunt Chippy makes a comic stunt appearance, “falling asleep” on the sofa and missing most of the action.)

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